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Lector Training

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Repeats every week until Wednesday, April 27, 2016 .

7 - 8:45 PM

Catholic Information Center

360 Division Ave S, Suite 2A
Grand Rapids MI 49503


Wednesdays, April 13 & 27, 2016, 7 – 8:45pm

Presented by Fr. John Geaney, CSP

Cost: $15.00 per person

Please call 616-459-7267 or [email protected]

This course is ideal for people who are already proclaiming the Word in their parishes as well as those who wish to become lectors. What is a lector and how does the lector contribute to the Liturgy?  What is the difference between acting and proclaiming? Fr. Geaney will explore these questions and deepen our understanding of the wonderful God given instrument called the human voice, so we can learn to use it to communicate God’s word as well as we can.  We will hold a practicum, during which participants may proclaim prepared scriptures for each other, in order to receive constructive feedback and to learn about pronunciation, articulation and working with microphones. 

Event Type: Lectures 

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