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Grand Rapids invites public comment on the draft community master plan guiding development for the next 20 years. Share feedback to help shape the city's future before Oct. 16.
The sign outside of Grand Rapids City Hall

The sign outside of Grand Rapids City Hall /Alaynna Dressler

This article was created in part through the work of the Grand Rapids Documenters.

To learn more about the Grand Rapids Documenters and to read their notes from previous public meetings, visit the Grand Rapids Documenters website.

More details from the Southtown CIA meeting where this presentation was given can be found here.


Grand Rapidians can help shape the future of Grand Rapids by providing public comment on the City’s draft of the “Bridge to Our Future” community master plan (CMP). 

The CMP is a land use plan that guides the physical development of Grand Rapids over the next 20 years. It covers various topics—from transportation and housing to population and the economy. The current community master plan was developed in 2002. 

The City outlined five goal areas to help them fulfill this vision — great neighborhoods, vital business districts, a strong economy, balanced mobility and development character. 

The City also identified five values interwoven throughout this plan — equity, safety, vibrancy, culture and sustainability.

Grand Rapids Planning Director Kristin Turkelson and Planning Project Manager Layla Aslani presented these goals to the Southtown Corridor Improvement Authority (CIA) at Wednesday's meeting. Specific recommendations for each of these objectives can be found in the full, 156-page draft CMP. 

"Grand Rapids aspires to build a sustainable city of inclusion, where people in all neighborhoods have the opportunity to live in safe and affordable housing, to move throughout the city in a variety of ways, to earn a living wage through meaningful job choices, and to gather together in vibrant spaces that celebrate our unique cultures and histories." - community vision statement included in the draft community master plan.

Public comment on the draft community master plan will be open through Wednesday, Oct. 16. In late October, the City Planning Commission is expected to hold a public hearing and recommend adoption of the CMP to the City Commission.

The City Commission is then anticipated to hold a public hearing in November, followed by adoption of the community master plan in December.

Community involvement

The CMP Steering Committee was created to represent and advocate for the community during this process. 

According to the City’s website, the Steering Committee includes 48 representatives from across all three wards and many local business/nonprofit organizations. Mayor Rosalynn Bliss appointed these 48 individuals with input from Grand Rapids city commissioners. A breakdown of the composition of the CMP Steering Committee is available on the City’s website

There were four rounds of public engagement in winter 2023, summer 2023, fall 2023 and spring 2024. In total, more than 4,700 people participated and contributed over 10,000 pieces of input. 

Comments can be emailed to the City’s planning department at [email protected] or mailed to 1120 Monroe NW, 3rd Floor, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Residents can also fill out a comment form, available on the City’s website. To fill out this form, you will be required to provide an email address. You will also be asked to select which chapter you’re commenting on. 

A brief breakdown of the draft CMP

Chapter 1: Great neighborhoods

  1. Creating complete and stable neighborhoods.

  2. Expanding the variety of housing types and price points.

  3. Integrating sustainable practices into development projects.

Chapter 2: Vital business districts

  1. Supporting compact centers that provide a mix of uses.

  2. Improving the accessibility of business districts. 

  3. Broadening and enhancing opportunities for local services, amenities and cultural assets. 

Chapter 3: A strong economy

  1. Increasing the density of high-wage jobs and decreasing the wage gap in Grand Rapids. 

  2. Ensuring a wide range of residents can access jobs.

  3. Balancing economic growth with priorities for the environment.

Chapter 4: Balanced mobility

  1. Designing and maintaining streets that are safe for all road users. 

  2. Supporting viable transportation options that are affordable, accessible and meet community members’ needs.

  3. Coordinating land use and transportation decisions.

Chapter 5: Development character

  • Development principles, future character and land use map, future character types and conceptual design framework.

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