
Grand Rapids Commissioner and Mayoral Candidates Answer on our Food System

by (Kent County Foo...)

Submitted 10-16-2024 under NONPROFITS

The Kent County Food Policy Council advocates for and promotes a local, good food system. We are currently working on a Food System Plan for Kent County. Food is a part of our everyday lives and our regional infrastructure: how does our local...

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Here's how you can help shape the next 20 years in Grand Rapids

by (AlaynnaDressler)

Submitted 09-16-2024 under NEWS

Grand Rapidians can help shape the future of Grand Rapids by providing public comment on the City’s draft of the “Bridge to Our Future” community master plan (CMP).  The CMP is a land use plan that guides the physical...

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Community Updates: Friday, October 13

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 10-13-2023 under NEWS

New Community Transformation Fund receives $100,000 from the City of Grand Rapids On Tuesday, the City of Grand Rapids announced that it made "a $100,000 investment" in New Community Transformation Fund (NCTF). New Community Transformation...

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Community Updates: Friday, December 2

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 12-02-2022 under NEWS

The City of Grand Rapids Sees Increase in Human Rights Campaign's Municipal Equality Index Score On November 30, the City of Grand Rapids announced that the Human Rights Campaign's Municipal Equality Index (MEI) had...

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Food Without Barriers: An Interview with Lisa Oliver King from Our Kitchen Table

by (Kent County Foo...)

Submitted 10-28-2021 under NONPROFITS

Earlier this year, the Kent County Food Policy Council launched to strengthen and grow the food system in Kent County. As we build momentum, discuss, and prioritize issues, we are gathering information and engaging with our...

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Community updates: Thursday, June 24

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 06-24-2021 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Community Foundation joins national initiative to address Michigan’s criminal justice system inequities The Grand Rapids Community Foundation (GRCF) has joined a group of national and local foundations in awarding $2 million to...

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Community updates: Friday, April 23

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-23-2021 under NEWS

Grand Rapids park improvements continue through millage investments, leveraged funding Progress on city park improvements throughout Grand Rapids marches on, with 26 parks currently under construction or slated to be in the near future, the city...

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UCOM welcomes Liam Bailey as Donor Relations Specialist


Submitted 02-04-2021 under NONPROFITS

United Church Outreach Ministry is excited to announce that Liam Bailey has joined our team as Donor Relations Specialist. Liam brings 8 years of experience building relationships in support of nonprofits committed to community impact that is rooted...

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Community updates: Thursday, Dec. 10

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 12-10-2020 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department reports stabilizing COVID-19 case growth for Kent County Kent County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases has stabilized over the last few weeks, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) reported on Thursday. An average...

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Community updates: Thursday, Dec. 3

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 12-03-2020 under NEWS

Kent County launches #KCTakeoutChallenge to support local restaurants Kent County launched a social media campaign on Thursday to support local restuarants dealing with pandemic-related strains. Called the #KCTakeoutChallenge, the campaign...

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