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Summit focuses on empowering through multiple literacies

Submitted 10-02-2014 under NONPROFITS

More than 200 people convened at Calvin College for the third annual Community Literacy Summit.


We are all connected: ArtPrize artist, Red Cross explore "This Enigmatic World"

Submitted 10-01-2014 under NONPROFITS

Alla Dickson pays tribute to her personal experience by dedicating “This Enigmatic World” to local American Red Cross volunteers


"Walking on Water - Azurite" offers rare opportunity to view Nihonga art

Submitted 10-01-2014 under OPINION

Step out of the larger galleries which can be a madhouse during ArtPrize and into the slow and centuries old traditional art of Nihonga as interpreted by Makoto Fujimura.


ArtPrize artist Nick Reszetar's portrait series challenges beliefs on community, diversity

Submitted 10-01-2014 under OPINION

Nick Reszetar's ArtPrize entry "100 Drawn Portraits in a Year: An Exploration of My Community" offers viewers a moment to reflect on their communities and the diverse people they consist of.


Public responds to Design 99 art practice in Detroit neighborhoods

Submitted 10-01-2014 under NEWS

[VIDEO] Right after attending Critical Discourse with Design 99 last night, many of the audience stopped by our response stations to reflect on the choices presented. Each night of Critical Discourse, response stations will be available for the public to share their opinions.


Critical Discourse on Detroit: Design 99's neighborhood work as artists

Submitted 10-01-2014 under OPINION

As a native Detroiter, I grew up hearing “As goes Detroit, so goes the nation.” When artists can create meaningful change and invite both solo meditation and public discussion, they are truly impacting society.


ArtPrize partners with ART21 for increase in robust programming, critique

Submitted 09-30-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

ArtPrize and ART21 both work to bring more contemporary art and art education to the broadest audience possible through connecting art, digital media, and education.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides perfect opportunity for continued conversation and action around violence prevention

Submitted 09-30-2014 under NONPROFITS

Kent County agencies join together to provide Domestic Violence Awareness Month community events


Learning from Olmsted and a Muddy River

Submitted 09-30-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Grand Rapids is not alone in its efforts to revitalize and restore a river, so what can we learn from one project already in implementation and nearly a century in the making


Early hours: Outdoor venues provide art opportunities beyond official ArtPrize hours

Submitted 09-30-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

For those who may not have available time during official venue hours, here are some options for catching art when indoor venues are closed.

