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GAAH in running for Belle Tire's Give Back Program





Dear Friends, Supporters and Neighbors of Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities (my apologies if receive this email more than once!):
GAAH is one of three nonprofits nominated this month to receive a cash award donation from Belle Tire’s Give Back Program. The organization with the most votes will receive a $1,000 prize, and GAAH is hoping to win the prize to support the Cook Library Center's summer programs. You can help us win by taking a quick moment out of your day and choosing us on the ballot. Voting only lasts until next Tuesday, May 15, so vote now by visiting It only takes three clicks of the mouse!
You can also help spread the word by: (1) forwarding this message to your e-mail contacts; and (2) cutting and pasting the following to your Facebook or Twitter accounts:
FACEBOOK: Vote for our friends at GAAH and help them win $1,000 to support the summer program at the Cook Library Center!
TWITTER: Vote for our friends at @GAAHArts and help them win $1,000 to support the summer program at the Cook Library Center!

Thank you for your support!

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