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Fun Healthy Farm Tattoos


My name is Jenna Weiler, I work with Groundswell Farm here in west Michigan and I’m passionate about small farms, sustainable agriculture and healthy eating. I’m attempting to find new and fun ways to connect people with the land, their food and health. I wanted to share with you one of my projects: Tater Tats. 
Tater Tats are fun temporary Vegetable tattoos promoting healthy and seasonal eating. It’s a real fun way to get kids (and adults) excited about vegetables. I just launched the kickstarter campaign to fund the first round of production. Would any one consider doing a story about this? Or incorporating it into a story of fresh local food promotion?

Tattoos are packaged seasonally to educate folks on what grows when. Once I meet my goal on kickstarter I hope to partner with farms and food ventures, to sell packages to their members and customers. This would provide fundraising and marketing for the farm, and spread the vegetable love. 

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