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Fulton Street Farmers Market ribbon cutting



CONTACT: Christine Helms-Maletic
[email protected]

This Saturday, May 5th Fulton Street Farmers Market will open
for business under a new roof following a short ribbon-cutting ceremony at 7:45 a.m. The opening marks
the success of a portion of the capital campaign “Our Goodness is Growing”.

Guests at the ribbon-cutting ceremony will include Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell and City
Commissioner Rosalynn Bliss, Rockford Construction Project Manager Tim Marcus, Architect Ted Lott,
Midtown Neighborhood Association Board President Mark Stoddard, Market Manager Melissa
Harrington, FSFM Development Project Manager Christine Helms-Maletic, market vendors Case Visser
and John Platte, and Campaign Chairperson Diane Griffin.

The Our Goodness is Growing campaign, which began its community phase on July 13, 2011, has
successfully raised over 90% of the funds needed for the significant renovations and upgrades to the
Farmers Market. These funds allowed the Midtown Neighborhood Association, which manages the cityowned
property, to replace the storm-water retention system, rebuild a 75-year-old retaining wall, regrade
the site for wheelchair accessibility and remove 4,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil, all as a first
phase of the improvement project. During Phase II, MNA added an all-new, open-air shed area for
vendor stalls with multiple plumbing and electrical fixtures; re-configured the traffic flow of the parking
areas with a turn-around area at the north end; and built a new plaza area with separate space for seating,
bike storage and hot food vending to hungry customers.

Fundraising for a planned Phase III continues in order to raise the money needed to construct a yearround
building to allow the public to enjoy locally grown, wholesome foods throughout the winter.

“While the entire community of donors has been extremely generous, we still need to raise $225,000 in
order for us to be able to afford the construction of the year-round building and additional north-end
restrooms,” says the Market's Development Project Manager, Christine Helms-Maletic. The giving
opportunity to sponsor a brick or a paver for the Fulton Street Farmers Market has re-opened for a second
round of orders to be installed mid-summer. Order forms are available at the Market office, and
contributions can be made on-line at

“This project is so exciting because not only does it have a significant visual impact on the neighborhood,
it will ensure that the Fulton Street Market continues to contribute to community health and to support
economic development for decades to come,” says Diane Griffin of Griffin Properties and chair of the
farmers market’s Our Goodness is Growing campaign.

In 2010, the Market served nearly 200,000 visitors annually, averaging 10,000 customers per week and
generating over $1.75 million in annual revenues for its collection of local vendors. The Market is an
important venue linking urban and suburban residents, it occupies vital frontage on a key gateway into
downtown Grand Rapids, and provides an essential source of quality foods for low income homeowners
in the region.

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