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Five Careers That Make a Difference

Thursday, July 09, 2015


Choosing the right career can be a difficult and scary choice. Many people make their decisions based on what they are good at, what they think will help them earn a secure income, or what their family members do. Regardless of how you choose your future profession, many people choose to pursue a career that they feel will make a positive impact in the world. There are countless professions that fall under this category, most notably doctors, teachers, and non-profit employees. Beyond these obvious career choices, there are a number of jobs that you may not know make such a big difference. Read on to find out about five careers that you can pursue to make a difference in the world.


Of course providing clients with the gift of a beautiful smile makes a difference in the lives of others. Yet, for many Americans, quality dental care is not an option due to a lack of funds. With a passion for providing high quality services to all families, many dentists, such as Kool Smiles, are making dental coverage accessible for everyone. By working at a dental office in an undeserved community you can make a difference in the lives of all your patients.

Social Worker

Social worker gets a bad reputation as a stressful job that gets little thanks. There are, however, many social work positions that allow you to work in an area that interests you and truly make a difference in the lives of others. School and nonprofit social workers get to work with children and their families to ensure that they are receiving all of the psycho social support that they need to achieve academically and socially in life. Additionally, many social workers are based in hospitals, helping those who have been injured or disabled cope with their fears and overcome challenges. Social workers can also work with the terminally ill and those struggling with addiction.


Sure, certain journalists have a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to sleuthing out a quote or a story. But, the truth is that many do it in the pursuit of raising awareness about an issue of importance. As a journalist, you have the ability to shed light on things that everyday people might not necessarily know. This role undoubtedly has the ability to create positive change in the world in a way that you might not normally expect.


More and more, those in the engineering field are coming to have hugely positive effects on the world. In terms of the green movement, engineers are making huge contributions when it comes to designing solar panels and LEED-certified, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings. Beyond this, engineers are at the forefront of space exploration and medical sciences, meaning that there are a number of ways you can make an impact as an engineer. 

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