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Community updates: Thursday, Nov. 5

Submitted 11-05-2020 under NEWS

All of Grand Rapids votes counted for Nov. 3 election; new COVID-19 testing site comes to Garfield Park neighborhood; and Grand Rapids Public Schools expands "synchronous time" for students’ online-only learning.


Passing the Mic: King Park Neighbors answers, "How are you maintaining a sense of connection and community during this pandemic?"

Submitted 11-05-2020 under VOICES

Shelby Garbini from King Park Neighbors responds to Highland Park Neighborhood Association's Sam Mosley.


Tom Finds Hope at Guiding Light

Submitted 11-05-2020 under NONPROFITS

One of the most important commodities afforded to Guiding Light's clients is hope -- hope that they can and will find a way out of the darkness and into the light again.


Police officer calls for a truce in the 'War on Crime'

Submitted 11-04-2020 under NEWS

Ex-CIA officer and current Savannah (Ga.) police officer Patrick Skinner recommends changing the "warrior" mindset of police officers to one of "neighbor"


Community updates: Tuesday, Nov. 3

Submitted 11-03-2020 under NEWS

Election Day voting ends in Kent County with absentee ballots returned for nearly half of its registered voters; Grand Rapids, Kent County reporting real-time voting results; and free mental health resources offered by the MDHHS.


Heartside Neighbors Take Aim at Self Care, Mental Health

Submitted 11-03-2020 under NONPROFITS

Muralists, neighborhood activists, and organizational partners recognize and react to the mental health concerns of downtown residents.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Do non-Catholics and non-Christians have Sacraments?

Submitted 11-02-2020 under OPINION

Margaret asks, “Are sacraments universal? Do others outside of Christianity offer them?”


In Season Report: October 31, 2020

Submitted 10-30-2020 under NONPROFITS

Bundle up and come on down! It is the last day of Main Season and we are celebrating in COSTUME!


Community school coordinators ensure Wyoming families have the food they need

Submitted 10-30-2020 under NONPROFITS

Kids facing hunger are more likely to both struggle in school and experience health challenges. That's why three community school coordinators in Wyoming are fighting hunger through Mobile Food Pantries.


Community updates: Thursday, Oct. 29

Submitted 10-29-2020 under NEWS

MDHHS extends, expands statewide COVID-19 rules; City of Grand Rapids confirms outdoor 'social zones' still active through May 2021; and Friends of Grand Rapids Parks, Grand Rapids Public Schools plant 75 trees outside local schools.

