Submitted 02-06-2017 under NEWS
As Betsy DeVos faces a narrow confirmation vote in the Senate, educators wonder how much a Trump/DeVos administration could actually affect policy and funding for local school districts. Maybe not that much, some say.
Submitted 02-06-2017 under NONPROFITS
Managed properly, “prescribed burns” bring new life to Michigan’s forests and fields, and invigorate wildlife habitats – even at parks in downtown Detroit
Submitted 02-02-2017 under OPINION
Jeffery Rundhaug is a Grand Rapids resident who teaches 7th and 8th grade Social Studies at Muskegon Heights Academy, one of the 38 schools the State of Michigan has targeted for closure.
Submitted 02-02-2017 under NEWS
The recently opened Grand Rapids African-American Museum and Archives (GRAAMA) is hitting its stride in providing insight into local culture as the nation celebrates Black History Month.
Submitted 02-02-2017 under NONPROFITS
Two-week pilot camp was a clear success and stirred excitment for hip-hop culture among students at the Cook Arts Center.
Submitted 02-02-2017 under LOCAL LIFE
A quick introduction to the local monthly music meeting called "Let's Talk GR Music"
I look back at Let's Talk GR Music's last meeting and a quick preview of the next topic and date
Submitted 02-01-2017 under NONPROFITS
World Renew, a Grand-Rapids based international disaster response and community development nonprofit organization which is involved with refugee resettlement as well as in-country assistance, calls for the church to stand with refugees.
Submitted 02-01-2017 under LOCAL LIFE
GVSU students participated in an organized sit-in to protest recent executive orders made by Donald Trump banning individuals from Muslim-inhabited countries from being admitted into the United States
Submitted 02-01-2017 under OPINION
Royce Auditorium provides perfect venue for Faure, Brahms pieces