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Let's Talk GR Music recap and preview

I look back at Let's Talk GR Music's last meeting and a quick preview of the next topic and date
Lawrence Kole

Lawrence Kole /Katy Batdorf

On January 30, 2017, we got together to discuss the topic of “Do It Yourself” or better known as “DIY” and the culture surrounding it.

For this topic we asked Lawrence Kole and Kevin Nunn to come and share their experiences from over the past 20+ years being involved in the Grand Rapids DIY music scene.

The night featured over 40 people coming to participate in the event. Some audience members even drove from as far away as Big Rapids, and Kalamazoo, MI.

Everything from DIY spaces, promotion, touring and recording topics were covered. The main points of the night included that being respectful wins every time, physical promotion still works and do it yourself often means doing it together.

Both Kole and Nunn fielded questions and did their best to either answer or point people in the best direction they knew. Overall, the night was less of a Q&A and more of a discussion moderated by myself. The vibe was loose but stayed on topic.

The next meeting will feature John Sinkevics of Local Spins. He will be by to talk about and how musicians can improve their marketing and promotion in a way that provides publications with the information they need.

Let’s Talk GR Music always meets on the last Monday of the month. Our 16th meeting will take place Monday, February 27, 2017, at The Wealthy Theatre Annex located at 1110 Wealthy St. SE.

For more information you can find here at The Rapidian, by searching “Let’s Talk GR Music” on Facebook or following the Twitter handle @LetsTalkGRMusic.

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