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In Season Report: July 17, 2020

Submitted 07-17-2020 under NONPROFITS

It’s going to be another HOT weekend and were not just talking about the weather! Come out tomorrow to soak up some vitamin D + shop for all your local food needs.


An approach to Israel-Palestine understanding

Submitted 07-17-2020 under NONPROFITS

Memories of Seymour Padnos leads to an Israeli writer, Yossi Halevi whose book, “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor” seeks to bring people together by listening and seeking to understand their differing and even conflicting stories.


Grand Rapids Art Museum Announces August 1 Reopening

Submitted 07-16-2020 under NONPROFITS

Phased reopening includes new visitor guidelines such as online ticketing, required face coverings, and social distancing.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is God Calling Out To You?

Submitted 07-13-2020 under OPINION

This week, I asked our panel to respond to an essay by the Rev. Sandra Nikkel, head pastor of Conklin Reformed Church entitled, “LISTEN! GOD IS CALLING!”


In Season Report: July 11, 2020

Submitted 07-10-2020 under NONPROFITS

The temperature is rising but the market is cooler than ever! Head over tomorrow for our largest Saturday market this year and get all your favorite local goodies.


Ethics and Religion Talk: How Does Religion Spread?

Submitted 07-06-2020 under OPINION

Genevieve asks, “How is religion spread? I mean clearly not everyone goes door to door knocking, or acts as sort of a missionary, so is it acceptable to try and convert others? And if not, how does your religion spread?”


Join our 2020 Virtual Wheel Run Together 5K to benefit persons with disabilities in need of mobility equipment!

Submitted 07-06-2020 under NONPROFITS

For the past 24 years the generous Doctorate in Physical Therapy students at Grand Valley State University have been raising money to support Alternatives in Motion's vital mission of enhancing mobility through access to mobility equipment!!


In Season Report: July 4, 2020

Submitted 07-03-2020 under NONPROFITS

Cherries, raspberries + green beans OH MY! Join us this Saturday and celebrate the 4th by choosing to buy fresh products + support local businesses.


The beginning of difference - God's idea

Submitted 07-03-2020 under NONPROFITS

New understandings of the Tower of Babel story from Genesis helps us see that while it is natural to find identity in people like us, God’s plan is for diversity.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Are those who took own life resurrected?

Submitted 06-29-2020 under OPINION

Elba asks, “Are there any sins so terrible that one loses the privilege of resurrection? Is suicide one of them?”

