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The Birth of Metaphorest

Submitted 09-15-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Put together four artists, fifteen WMCAT students and a time lapse photographer and you get Metaphorest for ArtPrize.


GRPS/WMCAT students assist professional artist with ArtPrize entry

Submitted 09-15-2011 under NONPROFITS

WMCAT students assist Tracy Van Duinen in the creation of a giant mural as an entry for 2011's ArtPrize


Glance at the Past - McGeorge Bundy

Submitted 09-15-2011 under NONPROFITS

Glance at the Past is a two minute exploration of local history. This week we learn about prominent citizen McGeorge Bundy, and find out how he got his unique name.


Fragrant re-imagining of Afghan war rugs: An interview with artist Barbara Koenen

Submitted 09-14-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Interview with ArtPrize artist, Barbara Koenen about her piece The War Rugs Project, being exhibited at the GRAM for ArtPrize 2011 reveals the artist's inspirations and hopes for her work.


Interfaith service promotes unity and honors 9/11 victims

Submitted 09-12-2011 under NEWS

Local clergy from a variety of religious traditions honor lives lost and celebrate unity.


Grand Rapids native The SEVENth speaks out Until Love Is Equal

Submitted 09-12-2011 under NONPROFITS

The SEVENth joins one of the most diverse, effective grassroots movements in West Michigan history in asking the city of Holland, MI to reconsider its rejection of basic civil rights for LGBT folks.


Three reasons why the Hunger Challenge misses the mark

Submitted 09-12-2011 under OPINION

The hunger challenge is garnering media attention, but does it achieve its purpose?


Catalyst Radio: The Rapidian's ABCs of ArtPrize

Submitted 09-09-2011 under NONPROFITS

Rapidian editor Holly Bechiri interviewed about the "ABCs of ArtPrize coverage," from the critical to the light-hearted as she invites the community to share thoughts on art, ArtPrize and GR culture.


Hunger Challenge: Day 3

Submitted 09-08-2011 under OPINION

Day 3 is all about George Washington, bussing tables, and life lessons. Spoiler alert: I may have cheated a little, read on for full gossip.


Hunger Challenge:Day 2

Submitted 09-07-2011 under OPINION

Stick with me as I move onto day two of the Hunger Challenge. This one features lentil soup, diet coke lust and lots of popcorn.

