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Picturesque gallery passes 100 photos, seeks contributors and voters

Submitted 07-18-2012 under OPINION

Halfway through our summer Picturesque contest in collaboration with MLive, the gallery holds many captured moments of summer. There's still two weeks left for our readers to determine the winning photo with their votes!


My Story Through Art: exhibit showcases art by foster care youth

Submitted 07-16-2012 under NONPROFITS

Stop by the Inner City Christian Federation on August 14, 2012 6:30-8:00 p.m. to see an exhibit of work created by local youth.


West Michigan Indie Podcast Episode #6- Casey Stratton Part 2

Submitted 07-16-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

WMI sat down with Grand Rapids' own pop singer/songwriter Casey Stratton to learn about his new album "The Calling of the Crows."


Catching up with Electric Forest's token Grand Rapids band: The Crane Wives

Submitted 07-16-2012 under OPINION

The Crane Wives member Kate Pillsbury shares her experience with the band and reveals future plans for the band.


Cutting your heart out to spite your face

Submitted 07-15-2012 under OPINION

A desperate housewife of Corinth in Heritage Theatre's "Medea" brings a new translation of the classic play created by GVSU classical professor Dr. Diane Rayor.


Catalyst Radio: East Hills neighborhood planning new Gay Day event

Submitted 07-13-2012 under NEWS

East Hills Council of Neighbors is putting on its first-ever Gay Day event Aug. 4 in Cherry Park, to celebrate the diversity of the community.


Tip Top Deluxe Bar and Grill delivers hotspot for Americana music

Submitted 07-13-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Ted Smith, one of the owners of Tip Top, sits down with The Rapidian to discuss the progress over the past year and some thoughts for the future.


In Season July 13, 2012

Submitted 07-13-2012 under NONPROFITS

Come see what's new and what's good at the Farmer's Market! Peaches are showing up and sweet corn is going fast!


Local artist selected to travel to Israel and Palestine

Submitted 07-12-2012 under OPINION

Alynn Guerra, the owner of Red Hydrant Press, received an invitation by Hope Equals to be a part of a group gathered to learn about incorporating justice into art. She leaves on July 21 for the two week trip.


Free Pie premiering at UICA, after party to follow

Submitted 07-12-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Writer-director Caleb Slain talks about the upcoming premiere of his short film, "Free Pie," which premieres tonight in the UICA theater. The after party will include a Q&A with Slain as well as other filmmakers.

