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Renowned Chef Bryant Terry featured at OKT Women of Color Convening April 23

Submitted 04-10-2014 under NONPROFITS

Eco-chef, food justice activist and author, Bryant Terry will meet with community members for dialogue on food justice and a cooking demo from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday April 23 at LINC Gallery, 341 Hall St. SE in Grand Rapids.


CMC welcomes SiTE:LAB co-founder Tom Clinton as new Executive Director

Submitted 04-10-2014 under NONPROFITS

Tom Clinton has accepted a new role as the Executive Director of the Community Media Center. Clinton brings multiple strengths from past roles into his leadership of local community media.


Orientation available for families interested in foster care, adoption

Submitted 04-09-2014 under NEWS

D.A. Blodgett - St. John's orientation happens on the second Monday of every month to educate families on what it takes to adopt or foster a child.


Furniture City Creamery to open doors in East Hills neighborhood in May

Submitted 04-08-2014 under NEWS

This summer a new ice cream shop will open on Cherry Street in East Hills.


Mobile farmers market spreads access to locally grown food

Submitted 04-08-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The YMCA's Veggie Van travels throughout Grand Rapids Monday through Friday and sets up at a number of locations for people who have limited access to fresh produce.


Locally grown gourmet mushrooms on the way to consumers, restaurants

Submitted 04-08-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

The Urban Mushroom is growing a hobby into a full offering of gourmet mushrooms through their CSA program and the farmers market. They also have sights set on creative non-edible uses for the magical mycelium.


Ransom Towers resident lends helping hand

Submitted 04-08-2014 under NEWS

John Townsend has been providing transportation for his neighbors to vital doctor's visits, pharmacy trips and to the grocery store. Now he needs a little help to continue helping others.


Dialog on Division Ave

Submitted 04-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

"Over the last few months of planning Art.Downtown. conversations between artists and curators, curators and sites have been shaping the shows you will see on Friday, April 11th. We hope that visitors will see the benifit of discussion, planning and curiosity, as well as, jump into the dialogue."


Grand Rapids Film Festival Partners with the Special Olympics

Submitted 04-07-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The Grand Rapids Film Festival will be hosting a special event in order to honor and support the Special Olympics organization.


Do You Know What Jesus Really Said?

Submitted 04-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

As you explore the words of Jesus in Aramaic, you will have many surprises. You will see that it's almost like a "hidden gospel" that has been finally revealed.

