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DisArt Festival @The Fed

Submitted 04-08-2015 under NONPROFITS

Join the Fed Galleries @KCAD for a wide range of programming during DisArt Festival 2015


Essence Restaurant Group focuses on "farm-to-fork," sustainability year-round

Submitted 04-08-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

Making sustainable, locally sourced food to build a sustainable community is in the core values of Bistro Bella Vita, Grove and the Green Well.


Founders, Celebration! Cinema partner for beer-themed film series

Submitted 04-08-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

The film series will feature a new classic movie every Wednesday, like "Caddyshack" and "The Graduate," each artfully paired with a Founders brew.


Curator spotlight: Falling for fiber arts

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NONPROFITS

A familiar face in the Grand Rapids art community has fallen for fiber arts and brings a new exhibition for a show at Open Source Studio.


Young evangelicals celebrate release of climate conversation videos

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NONPROFITS

“We have to have creation and its care at the center of our gospel to the poor, or we’re living a lie.”


Art of the Lived Experiment exhibition opens April 10

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NEWS

The UICA, KCAD and the GRAM are hosting 26 artists for the "Art of the Lived Experiment" exhibition during the DisArt Festival, highlighting the art of Disabled artists.


Happy Hour think tank to discuss women in cycling industry

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NEWS

She Rides Her Own Way invites women cyclists to join them for a happy hour designed to discuss women in the bike industry, improving bike culture and connecting with other women cyclists.


Disability 101 (part 4): Disability as art

Submitted 04-07-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

Dr. Smit, director of DisArt Festival 2015, continues his discussion of disability in our city with this fourth installment of Disability 101. Each installment will help readers grapple with the cultural and philosophical questions that surround physical and mental difference.


New app debuts for DisArt Festival

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NEWS

The "Access UICA" app was designed specifically for DisArt Festival, and is created to be more inclusive of the needs of Disabled people.


Collaborative Design class teams up with DisArt

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NEWS

The Collaborative Projects class at Kendall College is a course developed for connecting students in various design fields to a real world, hands on venture. The class has been working with DisArt to create signage, brochures, and wayfinding materials to help with the new festival.

