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Architectural Digest re-imagines Detroit with multimedia dreamscape

Submitted 09-23-2013 under OPINION

Featured at SiTE:LAB, Architectural Digest combines experimental art, architecture, lighting, design and storytelling into an imaginative and immersive look into a young girl's daydream.


Grand Rapids, it's time to send the circus packing

Submitted 09-20-2013 under OPINION

Elephants, lions and tigers are calling the Van Andel Arena parking lot home this week. But circuses are wrong, and it's time for the City of Grand Rapids and its leaders to look at model ordinances, and enact a ban on this horrific practice.


The Humane Society of West Michigan's 1st priority: Keep pets with their families

Submitted 09-19-2013 under OPINION

The Humane Society offers help to families with pets in need.


How to Look at Art, Part 4

Submitted 09-19-2013 under OPINION

This is the last in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "opinion" step in today's article.


9th Annual Metro-Cruise visits 28th Street

Submitted 09-18-2013 under OPINION

A brief story about the 9th Annual Metro Cruise in Wyoming.


How to Look at Art, Part 3

Submitted 09-18-2013 under OPINION

This is the third in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "interpretation" step in today's article.


How to Look at Art, Part 2

Submitted 09-17-2013 under OPINION

This is the second in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "relationships" step in today's article.


How to Look at Art, Part 1

Submitted 09-16-2013 under OPINION

This is the first in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "description" step in today's article.


Taking the SNAP challenge? No, thank you.

Submitted 09-06-2013 under OPINION

I recount my personal experience as a SNAP recipient, and explain why I don't want to take the SNAP challenge now and relive my experience.


Story Matters: Three-year-old Charlie discusses his favorite steam park

Submitted 09-05-2013 under NONPROFITS

At Ah Nab Awen Park, 3-year-old Charlie talks about his favorite places and people in the city.

