Story Matters: Kaylin Day works to fulfill childhood dream of becoming chef
Submitted 11-01-2013 under NONPROFITS
Kaylin Day discovered the culinary world while on a cruise ship at age 7. Now she's in school to realize that goal of becoming a chef herself.
Stephen Kepley, Sharon Brinks to compete for rare open mayoral seat in Kentwood
Submitted 11-01-2013 under NEWS
Director of Engineering Stephen Kepley and City Commissioner Sharon Brinks will compete for mayor on November 5.
Randal Gelderloos and Steve Mass to run for Grandville mayor
Submitted 11-01-2013 under NEWS
In the upcoming November 5 election, two city council members compete for votes as Grandville mayorship opens.
Masterful American landscapes showcased at Grand Rapids Art Museum
Submitted 11-01-2013 under OPINION
These American masterpiece landscape paintings that are at once heartbreakingly beautiful and at the same time a haunting reminder of how much of our country's natural beauty has been forever lost.
Mayor to answer citizen questions on eve of elections
Submitted 11-01-2013 under NEWS
This month, the mayor answered citizen questions live on GRTV and streamed here on The Rapidian, including answering Rapidian reporter Marie Orttenburger's questions about AirBNB.
Local journalism instructor reflects on The Rapidian's role in his development
Submitted 10-31-2013 under VOICES
Calvin College English professor reflects on how The Rapidian has benefited him and his students in their journalistic development
Story Matters: Anna Boone shares home birth story above Eastown-based bookstore
Submitted 10-31-2013 under NONPROFITS
Anna Boone lived above Argos Book Shop when she found out she was pregnant. Here she tells her story of deciding to have a home birth in her Eastown apartment.
5K GR Warrior Team Challenge raising money for wounded veterans
Submitted 10-31-2013 under NEWS
A group of Grand Rapidians are holding a 5k challenge race on November 9 to fund treatment for local wounded veterans.
Meet Walker's next Mayor: Mark Huizenga
Submitted 10-31-2013 under NEWS
On November 5, Mark Huizenga will be elected as Walker's Mayor as his opponent has dropped out the the running and endorsed her opponent.
Grand Rapids Teens Fight to Stay 'Above the Influence'
Submitted 10-30-2013 under NONPROFITS
Local teens help raise awareness about the dangers of buying alcohol for minors