Innovation through collaboration: Life at The Factory
Submitted 01-14-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT
The Factory, a quickly growing coworking and colearning space in downtown Grand Rapids, is designed to facilitate collaboration, openness, community, accessibilty and even serendipity.
Calvin College offers free lunchtime presentations throughout January
Submitted 01-14-2014 under NEWS
The January Series presented by Calvin College has 11 more lectures planned for the 2014 event. The lectures cover a range of topics, including global economy, racial reconciliation, the Arab Spring and the theology of music.
GR Public Library to host History Detectives day of presentations
Submitted 01-14-2014 under NEWS
History Detectives is a day long program at the downtown main library whose speakers will present topics on local history.
Building blocks of community
Submitted 01-14-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS
Dunham Street residents in Eastown come together to create safer, more enjoyable neighborhood.
Just Economics
Submitted 01-13-2014 under NONPROFITS
Just Economics: A five-session process for faith communities, commons, taxes, poverty, wealth, simple, sustainable, Dominican center, Marywood,
Brendan Loughrey - "The Boys of the Old Brigade"
Submitted 01-13-2014 under NONPROFITS
Songs from the Second Floor is a collection of the ephemeral performances that occur live on the air, in one take, on 88.1 WYCE. This video series is produced by GRTV in collaboration with WYCE and The Rapidian in order to capture and archive these rare moments.
Five minute chat with.....Laura Fisher
Submitted 01-12-2014 under LOCAL LIFE
Laura Fisher is a Volunteer Coordinator at Kids Food Basket. Kids Food Basket is a non-profit agency that provides meals to over 5,000 kids in Grand Rapids. On the day of the interview, she stood side by side with volunteers as they packed lunches to be delivered to local schools.
One flock of a storm: Epic weather, social media in Grand Rapids
Submitted 01-10-2014 under OPINION
Social media long ago replaced "the corner diner" as the place for conversations about current events. Here is one retelling of how everyday people take advantage of the many, dynamic possibilities of social media.
Ski film premier raises funds for youth mountain adventure learning, promotes helmet use
Submitted 01-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE
On Saturday, the Wealthy Theatre will premier Sherpas Cinema's "Into the Mind." The evening will benefit Summer Journeys' Tetons Scholarship Fund and feature a free helmet giveaway.
What's On Tap: January 9-15
Submitted 01-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE
The polar vortex is basically over! Celebrate at your local breweries.