The GRAM's Nature/Nurture exhibit for ArtPrize Seven chooses conversation over crowd appeal
Submitted 09-17-2015 under OPINION
Are we born with our personalities and impulses? Or does our upbringing determine who we are and what we become? The GRAM’s Nature/Nurture exhibit challenges viewers’ ideas of self and identity.
SENSE what is in store for you at UICA
Submitted 09-16-2015 under LOCAL LIFE
The Urban Institute for Contemporary Art's exhibit for ArtPrize 7 is designed to takes the viewer through the work of six artists and get a full experience using all their senses.
Wisemaker partners with ArtPrize to bring artmaking to everyone
Submitted 09-15-2015 under NEWS
At the ArtPrize Hub, Wisemaker of The Geek Group will bring its reclaimed materials downtown so visitors can make their own art inspired by ArtPrize.
She Rides her Own Way to host Women and Bikes speaker series
Submitted 09-15-2015 under NEWS
On September 17, four local panelist will talk about how biking has made a positive impact on their lives at bicycling event at Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.
Instruments of Hope invites all to take meditative walk on International Day of Peace
Submitted 09-15-2015 under NEWS
Sculptor Mic Carlson's statue of St Francis will be in the garden, and the Threshold Choir Group will sing along the walk in the woods.
More action, less talk
Submitted 09-15-2015 under OPINION
As a younger community leader I often find myself around individuals or boards that insist on meeting constantly to discuss the various issues plaguing the Black community, yet too much time continues to pass on without action.
Building community: Why honest conversations matter
Submitted 09-15-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS
We can't grow as a community- or as individuals- if we aren't willing to engage in hard conversations. Willingness to be honest takes courage. Why are we so afraid of that here in Grand Rapids?
Mayor answers citizen questions live on City Connection
Submitted 09-14-2015 under NONPROFITS
Mayor Heartwell answered citizen questions live on Monday from 5-6 p.m., like a question about supporting local food from Levi Gardner.
Weingartz aims to Mow Down Hunger during Hunger Action Month
Submitted 09-14-2015 under NONPROFITS
Sept. 14-Oct. 6, Weingartz will match donations to three Michigan food banks.
Just get over it, Part II: "I would've just gone to the police"
Submitted 09-14-2015 under OPINION
The second part of Sara Chittenden's story. GVSU is still under investigation and nothing has happened.