In Season: December 12, 2015

Submitted 12-11-2015 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produce products available at your local farmers markets.


Students come together in creative space to celebrate Black culture

Submitted 12-10-2015 under NEWS

Students lead initiative to create space to overcome anti-Blackness in academic settings held their first event last night at Kent District Library in Kentwood.


Partners for a Racism-Free Community brings culture, cocktails, comedy to event

Submitted 12-10-2015 under NEWS

The local organization asks what you would give to end racism in an event geared towards getting attendees comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.


The Rapid reports increased services, success for Silver Line

Submitted 12-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

The Rapid is working to provide more transportation options as our downtown grows.


Instruments of Hope to present annual living nativity

Submitted 12-08-2015 under NONPROFITS

Instruments of Hope will be presenting a living nativity in the Saint Francis of Assisi Sculpture Garden at the Dominican Center of Marywood this Sunday, December 13.


City Commission to vote on GR Forward plan

Submitted 12-08-2015 under NEWS

GR Forward will head to a final vote at the City Commission on Dec. 15, following months of public forums and approval from the Grand Rapids Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and the Grand Rapids Planning Commission.


Bosna Express changes ownership, upgrades look

Submitted 12-08-2015 under OPINION

Grand Rapids' Bosnian restaurant, Bosna Express, recently made significant changes in ownership, beverage offerings and design.


Just out of reach: Housing prices climb on Grand Rapids' Westside

Submitted 12-08-2015 under OPINION

Demand for student housing and revitalization is pricing out families from being able to live on the Westside. Changes in my neighborhood are evidenced in many areas, including the housing around Lincoln Park, in the John Ball Park neighborhood.


Celebrate service to City at retirement party for combined 60 years of service

Submitted 12-08-2015 under NEWS

Local citizens will have the chance to celebrate retiring City officials and staff at a retirement part for Mayor Heartwell, Commissioners Elias Lumpkins and Walt Gutowski and Secretary to the Mayor Jane Bush, on December 16.


Giving great: Take gifts beyond average by supporting local, handmade this year

Submitted 12-08-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

While holiday shopping season approaches, don’t get caught in the dust with stress about where to buy unique gifts that will WOW your friends and loved ones. The Avenue for the Arts provides you with a numerous amount of options on where to shop this holiday season.

