Grand Rapids Public Museum hosts special Halloween organ concerts
Submitted 10-03-2017 under NONPROFITS
Join the Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM) for special Halloween Mighty Wurlitzer Organ Concerts with Andrew Rogers, accompanied by the 1925 horror silent film classic The Phantom of the Opera on Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14, 2017.
Focus on Issues - Refugees & Immigration Support
Submitted 10-03-2017 under NONPROFITS
Guests from Justice for our Neighbors West Michigan, Thrive - A Refugee Support Program, Treetops Collective, and The Refugee Education Center met to discuss immigrant and refugee rights and support systems in West Michigan
Art happens here 365 days a year
Submitted 10-03-2017 under NONPROFITS
ArtPrize may only be here for a short time, but local businesses and galleries on the Avenue offer arts programming and community engagement opportunities all year round.
ArtPrize 2017 top 20 finalist "Lux Maximus" interview with the artist
Submitted 10-03-2017 under NEWS
"They said it couldn't be done, so I did it," states "Lux Maximus" creator Daniel Oropeza of his signature process of fusing glass with metal to create sculptures that are partially translucent.
"Free" CRT recycling is not free
Submitted 10-02-2017 under NONPROFITS
CRT televisions and monitors remain the single most harmful part of the electronic waste stream. Each device contains between 5 – 10 pounds of lead, which makes them one of the most toxic electronic products ever made.
Ethics and Religion Talk: What to do after a miscarriage? (Part 2)
Submitted 10-02-2017 under OPINION
Last week, I printed three responses to the question on miscarriage. This week, I have two more responses to this tragic, but all too common, situation.
Sunny weather, large crowds make HopCat, WYCE Blue Bridge Music Festival a success
Submitted 10-02-2017 under NEWS
Unlike last year, when rain, wind, and cold weather dampened attendance, this year sunny skies and warm temperatures brought thousands of music and art lovers to the Blue Bridge Music Festival over two days to listen to the eight bands competing for the “Song of the Year” and a $1,000 cash prize.
Catalyst Radio: Rapid Response to ICE
Submitted 09-29-2017 under NONPROFITS
Host Jenny Kinne welcomes Amy Carpenter & Sarah Doherty from ICE Rapid Response on the realities of immigration policy and practice on local communities.
Boston Square residents shut down AmplifyGR vote
Submitted 09-29-2017 under NEWS
Residents of Boston Square decided there was not enough community representation to hold a vote on the future of the neighborhood. They took over the meeting and stopped AmplifyGR's process, shutting down the planned agenda.
In Season: September 30, 2017
Submitted 09-29-2017 under NONPROFITS
A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produced products available at your local farmers markets.