Vault of Midnight puts local creators on the shelves
Submitted 03-13-2018 under LOCAL LIFE
Vault of Midnight's "small and local press" section gives local artists exposure and a chance to grow.
Spotlight on South Africa as 'Great Decisions' continues
Submitted 03-12-2018 under NONPROFITS
With South Africa at a strategic political crossroads, Ms. Desiree Cormier, a former State Department diplomat, shares her perspective on this strategic U.S. partner.
GRPS school walkout endorsement hinders, not helps students advocate for gun reform laws
Submitted 03-12-2018 under OPINION
Grand Rapids Public Schools declared its approval for the event on February 22, 2018. However, many of us in GRPS think that the wording of the endorsement shifts the conversation from us students to the administration, depriving us of our voice and diluting the power of our movement.
Ethics and Religion Talk: Is there one true religion? Part 1
Submitted 03-12-2018 under OPINION
All of the major religions say ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Jesus said to ‘Love one another and that, of faith, hope and charity, love is the greatest of these.’ So why do they also say that their religion is the ‘one, true religion,’ when they all share the same premise?
GRPS gets ready for school walkout, discusses gun violence, school security
Submitted 03-09-2018 under NEWS
GRPS announced on February 22, 2018 that it would stand by students in their advocacy for gun reform by supporting the Wednesday, March 14, 2018 school walk-out. This is an interview about the reactions to Superintendent Weatherall Neal's comments, the follow up and the community's reactions.
Catalyst Radio: DA Blodgett-St. John's offers adoption, foster care, residential services
Submitted 03-09-2018 under NONPROFITS
Host Jessica Young speaks with Lizzy Frendo, mentoring services supervisor at DA Blodgett-St. John's in Grand Rapids
The Walk for Good Food: Access celebrates legacy of Hunger Walk with name change
Submitted 03-09-2018 under NONPROFITS
In changing the name of the annual Hunger Walk to the Walk for Good Food, Access of West Michigan celebrates forty years of food reform, looking ahead to future progress.
Discussing what "Out of many, one' means in today's society
Submitted 03-08-2018 under OPINION
Diversity will continue to grow, but it will not destroy us. It is a blessing, not a curse.
Grand Rapids City Commission hosts meeting off site for the night
Submitted 03-07-2018 under NEWS
The commissioners' night out took place at Oakdale Park Church in Grand Rapids' third ward.
Seeing the forest for the trees: Healthy forests bring abundant wildlife
Submitted 03-07-2018 under NONPROFITS
Forest management plays important role in maintaining wildlife habitats