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"House," ArtPrize Top 20 finalist, on display at Frederik Meijer Gardens until Jan. 4

Submitted 10-20-2014 under OPINION

Osman Khan’s sculpture, "House," a finalist on the Jurors' Shortlist, will be hosted at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park through January 4. For this piece, Kahn has built a minimalist sculpture of a house...

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Talking about mental illness

Submitted 10-20-2014 under OPINION

In my last article, I wrote about some unfortunate incidents that have been going on in our country between residents and law enforcement officers Mental Health issues; Who do we call? Instead of lives being taken, lives could be saved and people...

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Calling out the Emperor: Awards and Recognition in Grand Rapids

Submitted 10-13-2014 under OPINION

I’m calling out the Emperor. He has no clothes. Hans Christian Andersen’s 1837 classic "The Emperor’s New Clothes" provides an apt idiom for Grand Rapids’ local award season. Social media has been abuzz with the...

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"Intersections" artist explores layers of meaning in prize-winning piece

Submitted 10-13-2014 under OPINION

Not many in our community were surprised that Anila Quayyum Agha’s work “Intersections” won this year. We knew it, as soon as we walked into the room where her installation hung.  But Agha wouldn’t let herself go there...

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I don't like it: How not to form critical discourse about art

Submitted 10-08-2014 under OPINION

Critical Discourse has, since year one of ArtPrize, been possibly my favorite night of the year- no exaggeration. I want real discussions about art. I champion the idea of building conversation. I miss “crit sessions” from art classes. I...

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Battling to get deeper: "Reciprocity" finds favor with public vote

Submitted 10-07-2014 under OPINION

I had heard that Marc Sijan was an “interesting character.” I had heard that he was following in Duane Hanson’s footsteps after studying under him. I had even heard that he was pandering to the ArtPrize audience, sizing us up and...

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Disability is not a struggle: Panel discusses intersections between art, disability, bodies

Submitted 10-05-2014 under OPINION

“Disability is not a brave struggle or ‘courage’ in the face of adversity. Disability is an art. It is an ingenious way to live.” -Neil Marcus   Ingenious conveys a mild description for the three presenters of last night...

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Why time based art takes time: Categorical distinctions of criteria for ArtPrize 2014

Submitted 10-03-2014 under OPINION

We talk about activities as if some of them take time and others don’t, yet we know that we experience everything as having a duration, whether we savor and put it to memory or not. Whether we are dreaming and time is of a different form,...

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Mental Health issues; Who do we call?

Submitted 10-02-2014 under OPINION

Do the officers in our community have mandatory training to recognize the difference between a competent violent aggressor and a mentally ill person having an episode? Another lingering question, why in some cases is deadly force used before...

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"Walking on Water - Azurite" offers rare opportunity to view Nihonga art

Submitted 10-01-2014 under OPINION

Step out of the frenzy of ArtPrize and into the "slow art" of Makoto Fujimura. ArtPrize is an amazing experience, but it can become an all-you-can-see visual cacophony. In loving the art we can work ourselves into a state that is...

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