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Our place, your voices: Our democratic need for citizen journalists

Submitted 05-12-2015 under OPINION

Since I took over as the Executive Director of the Community Media Center (CMC) a year ago, I have been confronted time and time again by highly reported international and national news stories that involve challenges to freedom of speech and access...

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Palm oil plantations and deforestation; What we can do locally to help

Submitted 05-11-2015 under OPINION

It is a fact that our world's rainforests are rapidly disappearing due to palm oil production. At this time the largest production comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. However, they are not the only places in danger of palm oil plantations. Palm...

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Evita opens summer season at Circle Theatre with spectacularly entertaining performance

Submitted 05-09-2015 under OPINION

Thursday’s opening of Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice’s "Evita" opened the summer season at the Circle Theatre. With almost a full house in an extremely intimate setting, the night provided everything "Evita" could...

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Everyone wins: Tearing down barriers to economic success in Grand Rapids

Submitted 05-07-2015 under OPINION

Can everyone win socioeconomically in Grand Rapids? If we were to base our answers off of the current data the answer would unequivocally be NO! Grand Rapids currently ranks 51 out of 52 as worst cities economically for Blacks. Nearly 45% of Black...

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Just get over it: GVSU graduate shares Title IX experience with no closure

Submitted 05-06-2015 under OPINION

[Trigger warning: This article contains a story of rape.] Investigations into Grand Valley State University (GVSU)’s alleged mishandling of Title IX procedures have lead to the Department of Education just recently informing Sara Chittenden...

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Streetcar history takes shape in upcoming book

Submitted 05-06-2015 under OPINION

Carl Bajema, retired GVSU biology professor and local historian, is intent on bringing to life Grand Rapids’ transportation history. He's currently revising the drafts for the second book in a local transportation series, tentatively...

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What's drugs got to do with it

Submitted 05-05-2015 under OPINION

Well House and Grand Rapids Red Project are hosting "An Intimate Interview with Ethan Nadelmann and Neil Franklin" at Wealthy Theater on the evening of May 14. This event, free and open to the public so everyone in the city can be part of...

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Why I'm voting yes today on Proposal 1

Submitted 05-05-2015 under OPINION

After much deliberation, I've decided to vote yes on Proposal 1 tomorrow. Doing what we can to address the road crisis as soon as possible is more fiscally responsible than leaving it, even though the plan is poorly thought out and insufficient...

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Design Makes a Difference: "Art of The Lived Experiment" and "Icebreaker" at KCAD's Fed Gallery

Submitted 04-21-2015 under OPINION

The author's previous review of "Art of the Lived Experiment" at the UICA can be found here.  A friend of mine pointed out that there's a difference between an art exhibit's curation and its design: Curation is...

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Butterflies blooming foster enjoyment of nature

Submitted 04-21-2015 under OPINION

It is 85 degrees with 70% humidity. There are the sounds of a tall waterfall and trickling water. Big lush tropical flora spring out and drape across the landscape. This is Grand Rapids early March and April if you happen to be visiting the “...

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