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Top Ten Featured Artist: Llew (Doc) Tilma

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Llew (Doc) Tilma answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about his piece, Grizzlies on the Ford:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Paul Baliker

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

  Paul Baliker answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about his piece, Ocean Exodus:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement of your...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Bill Secunda

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

  Bill Secunda  answers The Rapidian's 5 artist questions about his piece, Mantis Dreaming:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Laura Alexander

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Laura Alexander answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about her piece, The Tempest II:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement of your...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Lynda Cole

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Lynda Cole answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about her piece, Rain:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement of your piece? ...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Tracy Van Duinen

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Tracy Van Duinen answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about his piece, Metaphorest:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How did you consider the placement of your...

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Dixie Olin: The Importance of Art

Submitted 10-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Dixie Olin’s house is littered with art. From the large mural of a beach scene in the dining room to the art projects on the deck to the ornate vases in the china cabinet, any onlooker can tell that the house is inhabited by an artist. As a...

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Unraveling the ambiguity of contemporary art

Submitted 10-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Steve Samson, Director of Exhibition and Facilities at UICA, brings to mind a quote from the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who inspired leaders during the French Revolution when he said, "Every man has the right to risk his own life...

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Local arts organization SiTE:LAB's volunteer

Submitted 10-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

One of the most interesting things about ArtPrize is the vast range of venues that exhibit entries. Restaurants, schools, local businesses, sometimes completely atypical spaces allow us to see art in unique settings. This season’s SiTE:LAB is...

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Run, ride and see ArtPrize

Submitted 10-02-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Too busy or too Type A for a leisurely stroll around ArtPrize? More concerned about working out than spending time with a work of art? With the Grand Rapids Urban Adventure Race on October 8, people can double dip: get a run in, ride their bikes and...

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