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Ziggy Marley's Forward to Love Tour hits Grand Rapids

Submitted 10-12-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

"If you know your history, then you know where you coming from, then you wouldn't have to ask who the 'eck do you think I am."--Bob Marley, from his song Buffalo Soldier. History and its relationship to the social justice issues of...

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Urban Adventure Race: The real deal

Submitted 10-10-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Saturday, October 8 was a perfect day for running and biking, cool and crisp with the promise of sun. My partner Laura Caprara and I were ready for the Grand Rapids Urban Adventure Race ArtPrize edition. We're fit and ambitious;...

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Occupy Grand Rapids; march through downtown to meet at Calder Plaza

Submitted 10-09-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Local artist and activist Scott Warren released video of Occupy Grand Rapids protestors marching through downtown Grand Rapids on their way to Calder Plaza. Approximately 50 demonstrators carried signs and chanted protest slogans expressing their...

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Occupy Grand Rapids General Assembly reads the NYC statement (video)

Submitted 10-08-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Video of 10-08-2011 Occupy Grand Rapids general assembly reading of the NYC statement. According to reports on there were about 350 attendees present during the early stages of the event.

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Art Eat Live: the art of cooking

Submitted 10-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Richard Roane wasn’t an artist when he decided he wanted to somehow participate in ArtPrize; he was a lawyer with a love of art. But after a year of working on his entry, “I think I am [an artist] now,” he says with a smile. ...

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Artprize 2011: Erkfitz's part of Schematic in Two Parts

Submitted 10-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

It would be hard to miss the brightly colored mural "Schematic in Two Parts" on the corner of Commerce and Oakes street, located alongside The Pyramid Scheme and created by Grand Rapid's own Erwin Erkfitz. Collaborating with...

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Local jewelry artist talks about ArtPrize; role of art in her life

Submitted 10-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

“An artist should be able to create with any material they are given,” states Christine Dexter, local jewelry artist and mother of three young children. Dexter currently enjoys creating eclectic jewelry, which she has sold at local...

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Sometimes, it’s Block by Block: A Thriving Community on Warren SE

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Thriving blocks make an attractive neighborhood. Thus far, House by House has primarily covered, well... individual homes. We’re expanding that dialogue in this post by recognizing that while a house can change a block, a block can also change a...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Sunti Pichetchaiyakul

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Sunti Pichetchaiyakul answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about his piece, President Gerald Ford Visits ArtPrize:   1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece?   2. How did you make it?   3. How...

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Top Ten Featured Artist: Mia Tavonatti

Submitted 10-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Mia Tavonatti answers The Rapidian's five artist questions about her piece, Crucifixion: 1.  How did you come up with the idea for this piece? 2. How did you make it? 3. How did you consider the placement of your piece? 4. What do...

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