
Ethics and Religion Talk: Must a Congregation Always Be United in Agreement with its Leader?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-10-2023 under OPINION

Imam Kip Curnutt, Director of Religious Education and Associate Imam of Masjid At-Tawheed in Grand Rapids, responds: Unfortunately this is an all too common occurrence in many religious communities. In the history of Islam we see that it was this...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Am I Obligated to Forgive Someone Who Hurt Me?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-03-2023 under OPINION

The Rev. Sandra Nikkel, head pastor of Conklin Reformed Church, responds: Forgiveness is also about letting go and not seeking revenge. But, forgiveness doesn’t mean you’re obligated to reconcile and let the person back into your life,...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Why is it Wrong to Trust in Oneself?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-26-2023 under OPINION

Father Kevin Niehoff, O.P., a Dominican priest who serves as Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Grand Rapids, responds: Oxford Languages Online defines “proverb” as “a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: When May I Stray from My Tradition's Moral Code?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-19-2023 under OPINION

I occasionally come across stories of saints, prophets, and other religious figures of note who seem to break from the moral codes we are taught to obey. Some say that they are allowed to do such for a higher purpose. I’m wondering if the...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Is it Fair to Give Religious People Days Off When Non-Religious Will Have to Work?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-12-2023 under OPINION

Is it fair to give religious people days off when non religious will have to work? Linda Knieriemen, Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Holland, responds: Giving religious people days off is fair only if a policy of religious days off is...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Are Technological Innovations Forbidden Until Religiously Approved?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-05-2023 under OPINION

Fred Stella, the Pracharak (Outreach Minister) for the West Michigan Hindu Temple, responds: Within Hindu circles there are very robust conversations about the technological innovations that abound. If you are not aware, Indian-Americans (who are...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Should Judges be Involved in Local or National Politics?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-30-2023 under OPINION

Fred Stella, the Pracharak (Outreach Minister) for the West Michigan Hindu Temple, responds: We are experiencing a significant moment in our history now. Before now, many of the electorate seemed to be quite uninterested in who warmed the many...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Should the Audubon Society Change its Name?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-22-2023 under OPINION

“Audubon” is a household name associated with protecting birds. The moniker is synonymous with the avian conservation movement, and yet some local chapters had urged for a name change, saying the association with Audubon...

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Ethics and Religion Talk

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-15-2023 under OPINION

Many companies wish to go in the direction of ESG (Environment Social Governance). This movement encourages businesses to take more things into consideration that the bottom line of profit. Many politicians are attempting to punish those...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Does Theology Need Philosophy and Psychology?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-08-2023 under OPINION

Fred Stella, the Pracharak (Outreach Minister) for the West Michigan Hindu Temple, responds: I can’t imagine how it can. I don’t even know how theology can exist without acknowledgement that psychology and philosophy are inherent in it....

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