Mayor Heartwell
Mayor answers citizen concerns on monthly "City Connection"
by (Holly)
Submitted 01-07-2013 under NEWS
Monday evening at 5:00, Mayor Heartwell answered questions from local citizens in his monthly call-in show on GRTV (and streamed live here on The Rapidian!) "City Connection." Each month, you can add your own questions for City Connection with...City connection hosts special guest Second Ward Commissioner Ruth Kelly
by (Holly)
Submitted 12-03-2012 under NEWS
Host Linda Gellasch welcomed Second Ward Commissioner Ruth Kelly as a special guest for the GRTV monthly production of City Connection. City Connection is a chance for citizens to ask any and all questions about local government issues. The episode...Mayor answers citizen concerns, responds to GQ Magazine's ArtPrize article
by (Holly)
Submitted 09-24-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city...Citizen concerns answered live tonight by Mayor Heartwell on City Connection
by (Holly)
Submitted 08-27-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city...Grand Rapids Water Systems Administration building gets solar panel array
by (erikzimmerman)
Submitted 07-14-2012 under NEWS
On Tuesday, the city of Grand Rapids unveiled a solar panel array above the Water Systems Administration building at 1900 Oak Industrial Drive. This moves the city one step closer to its goal of securing 100 percent of its energy from renewable...Mayor Heartwell hosts July edition of live call-in show Monday Night
by (George)
Submitted 07-02-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city issues. If...Mayor Heartwell returns for June edition of live call-in show
by (George)
Submitted 06-04-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city issues....Mayor Heartwell hosts live call-in show Monday night at 5
by (George)
Submitted 05-07-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city issues. If...Mayor Heartwell hosts live call-in show Monday night at 5
by (George)
Submitted 04-02-2012 under NEWS
At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. City Connection is an opportunity for Grand Rapidians to talk with our mayor about important city issues. If...Meet Mayor Heartwell....twice!
by (Andy Angelo Pre...)
Submitted 03-27-2012 under NONPROFITS
The GAAH Press Club was invited to meet Mayor Heartwell in his office at City Hall, but the mayor had to leave for a family situation shortly after we arrived. He rescheduled for March 23rd, and met the students at The Cook Arts Center to finish...