Grand Rapids Press

Ethics and Religion Talk: Farewell, Grand Rapids Press!

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-12-2021 under OPINION

The first week of August will be the 10th anniversary of this column. Sadly, this week is the final appearance of Ethics and Religion Talk in the Grand Rapids Press. Due to retirements and resignations, they no longer have the staff to continue...

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Good Local Journalism Is Essential to Good Governance

by (awpattullo)

Submitted 02-14-2019 under OPINION

After repeated staffing cuts at the Grand Rapids Press/MLive, who’s guarding the henhouse of local government? The Rapidian is one. In December, amid public scrutiny of the police department, Lyonel LaGrone used these pages to expose a...

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Help provide a gift to a Kent County child in need this holiday season

by (GRTV)

Submitted 11-30-2016 under NONPROFITS

In this week’s segment of GRTV’s NPO Showcase, Diane Brown, President and longtime volunteer of the Santa Claus Girls, explains how you can help give a gift to a Kent County child in need this holiday season. Santa Claus Girls is a...

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Picturesque: And the winner is...

by (Chelsea)

Submitted 08-12-2012 under OPINION

Earlier this summer, The Rapidian teamed up with The Grand Rapids Press and MLive to create a multi-platform, interactive summer contest. The people of Grand Rapids were asked to submit photos to The Rapidian site of any and all things relating to...

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Summer Picturesque launches with MLive collaboration, contest

by (Chelsea)

Submitted 07-02-2012 under NEWS

The Rapidian's next Picturesque will run the entire month of July, asking Grand Rapidians to submit photos around a central theme: Summer Lovin'. This includes the beach, pool, vacation spots, summer scenery, food and drinks, holidays and...

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An unprejudiced truth about CBS' discrimination and lies

by (Until Love Is Equal)

Submitted 12-30-2011 under NONPROFITS

Since June 2011, we have attempted to present helpful and hopefully useful information for five Holland City Council members to reconsider their vote against anti-discrimination protections for LGBT residents and workers. In Fall 2011, we were...

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Hunger Challenge: Day 7

by (samantha.dine)

Submitted 09-12-2011 under OPINION

Well, I made it through the last day of the challenge unscathed. I am leaving with leftover food, two long days of being sick,at least a semi-broken caffeine addiction, and new mixed feelings about the end, but still, I made it. Let's do a food...

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Hunger Challenge: Day 6

by (samantha.dine)

Submitted 09-11-2011 under OPINION

Day 6 turned out to be one of the best of the challenge so far. I felt better, had more energy and didn't need even a single nap. In the morning, I worked in my cafe job until about 2:30 p.m. I ate a piece of toast on my way out the door, which...

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Hunger Challenge: Day 5

by (samantha.dine)

Submitted 09-10-2011 under OPINION

First off, let me apologize for a possibly whiny post from yesterday. This one will be less whiny, I think. Day 5 was the day I chose to add challenge to challenge and eat out exclusively with $4.37.  I chose Day 5 because, as I mentioned in...

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Hunger Challenge: Day 4

by (samantha.dine)

Submitted 09-09-2011 under OPINION

Day 4 has by far been the hardest. It started out the same as the first few days, peanut butter toast and a banana. I spent the morning in The Rapidian offices, but was very foggy while I was there. Everyone I saw gave me the same line, "Oh you...

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