Day 4 I get pretty run-down. I fall asleep at my computer on two occasions and get a little sick. It's getting tough, folks.
Grand Rapids Hunger Challenge, Day 4: A filling meal makes a difference
Grand Rapids Hunger Challenge, day 3: Will the food last?
Grand Rapids Hunger Challenge, day 2: Giving up coffee is not easy
Grand Rapids Hunger Challenge, day 1: Staying on budget, resisting offers of food
More About the Hunger Challenge in The Rapidian and MLive
Samantha's Hunger Challenge: Introduction
The Rapidian's Hunger Aware
MLive's Hunger Action Week challenge to West Michigan: Can you live on $4.37 per day?
MLive's Meet our Hunger Challenge participants
Join in
Day 4 has by far been the hardest. It started out the same as the first few days, peanut butter toast and a banana. I spent the morning in The Rapidian offices, but was very foggy while I was there. Everyone I saw gave me the same line, "Oh you look so tired!" or the slight variation, "Your eyes are so tired!"
They were onto me because I was so tired, as were my eyes. This process has been getting fairly wearing. I thought about why I must have been dragging so hard. I had been eating enough, I was sleeping at least 6 hours every night. It can't be that much different from my everyday life.
I started to think that I have been far too conservative with my food, not making any of the bigger meals. When I got home around 2:45pm, I figured it was time for a hot meal, so I made a poor man's spaghetti, consisting of just angel hair pasta, canned pasta sauce and a half can of diced tomatoes left over from the soup I made earlier.
To go along with it, I made some roasted potatoes with olive oil and herbs. I had about $1.80 leftover in my shopping budget from last week, so I had purchased a bag of white potatoes for $1.00. The weight of spaghetti and potatoes was very filling and comforting, a feeling I hadn't been getting from PB&J's or soup.
Despite the food feeling good in the moment, after my late lunch, I felt almost worse than before. I sat in my bed to do homework before my 6:00pm class, and promptly fell asleep. I am not usually much of a napper, but this one took me. It was involuntarily, my body took over.
I slept throught a little chunk of my class and eventually made my way to it. I got more of the "you look tireds" from my classmates and did my best to stay awake. When I got home at about 9:30pm, I had a little of the leftover spaghetti and two slices of cheese.
Jackie Prins and I planned to have our daily chat at about 11:30pm, but I againinvoluntarily fell asleep while sitting at my computer. I woke up in the night with a terrible headache and was throwing up all night. I can't lie, It was a rough one.
Day 4 has really been about learning how wearing this process would be. Eating what you can, when you can, not worrying about the nutritional value of what you are eating, and eating at odd hours have all taken their toll on me. I'm to the point in the process where I am actively looking forward to it being over.
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