crime prevention

Grand Rapids police drones often flown in Hispanic, Black, poor neighborhoods

by (theoscheer)

Submitted 06-18-2024 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Police Department drones are disproportionately flown in neighborhoods with high concentrations of Hispanic, Black and low-income residents, according to a review of nearly 250 drone flights from September 2023 to March 2024. The data,...

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Free workshop connects residents to public safety resources

by (crestongr)

Submitted 05-20-2014 under NONPROFITS

By Diane Ensley Creston Neighborhood Association held a Public Safety workshop on April 29th at Berean Baptist Church.  The evening started with a great meal provided by the Red Jet CafĂ©. After dinner we had a great workshop discussing ways to...

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East Hills Council of Neighbors' efforts lead to a better Grand Rapids

by (Michael Tuffelmire)

Submitted 01-14-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

During the 1960s, the automobile provided the luxury of unrestricted travel. This led to people leaving the cities for what they perceived to be a better life in the suburbs. The abandonment of the city ushered in a plethora of absentee...

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