Cottage Grove

Boston Square residents shut down AmplifyGR vote

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 09-29-2017 under NEWS

Shouts of "No!" and "Give him the mic!" could be heard at the AmplifyGR meeting last night at Hope Academy, a charter school near Madison and Burton. The meeting was one in a series hosted by AmplifyGR. AmplifyGR is a non-profit...

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Amplify GR meeting: What does community ownership look like?

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 07-28-2017 under OPINION

On July 27, 2017 I along with approximately 80 residents from the Southeast side and surrounding areas attended the Amplify GR Community Listening meeting at Living Word Church, 1534 Kalamazoo SE. A non-profit funded by the Doug and Maria DeVos...

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