
Building Connection, Sharing Stories, and Measuring It

by (DwellingPlace)

Submitted 04-01-2021 under NONPROFITS

"The more things we can put in people's hands that give them ways to amplify their own voices and communicate with their community, the better off we all are” says Jessica Mulcahy, Director of Success...

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Passing the Mic: King Park Neighbors answers, "How are you maintaining a sense of connection and community during this pandemic?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 11-05-2020 under VOICES

Sam Mosley, Board Member at Highland Park Neighborhood Association, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations: "I would ask of other neighborhood associations how they’re maintaining a sense of connection and community – and...

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Local beat-maker aims to use Grand Rapids to the fullest

by (Whitney Pavlica)

Submitted 05-06-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Music producer Shane “SuGR Shane” Sloan’s roots in music go back to early in his life. A native to Grand Rapids hailing from the northwest side, Sloan remembers his first experiences playing the keyboard. “I’ve always...

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TEDxGrandRapids to be held at Grand Rapids Civic Theater

by (lisadebone)

Submitted 05-05-2014 under NEWS

On May 7, TEDxGrandRapids will celebrate its fifth year of sharing innovative talks through a conference of 15 diverse presentations. Held at the Grand Rapids Civic Theater, speakers from a range of backgrounds including entrepreneurs, designers,...

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