
Claiming your place at the table

by (LisaRoseGR)

Submitted 09-22-2015 under OPINION

On September 21, 2001, a group of about 25 people representing all sectors of the food community - from farmers to schools to clinics to social agencies addressing hunger - gathered at what is now known as Feeding America West Michigan. With...

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More action, less talk

by (Endless Opportu...)

Submitted 09-15-2015 under OPINION

Written by Alvin Hills IV, Co-founder fo Endless Opportunities Often times I hear of board position openings that are organized to address many different agendas in the Black community with years worth of meetings and minimal community...

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Why we need a Feminist Film Festival

by (lydiavanhoven)

Submitted 09-08-2015 under OPINION

In the top 100 highest grossing films of 2014, women represented a total of 30% of all speaking characters, often as a wife or mother. When we break down the numbers by race and gender, the statistics are even more bleak. Out of that small 30%, only...

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