
Impart: local artist Salvador Jimenez believes art brings people together

by (empichot)

Submitted 09-26-2013 under NEWS

Impart seeks to preface ArtPrize by asking artists essential questions about art.  Salvador Jimenez is a an artist based in Grand Rapids whose works often deal with socio-political issues. He does work in photography, graphic design, painting,...

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What is good art?

by (MattP)

Submitted 09-26-2013 under OPINION

What is good art? This can be hard to answer because of the slippery nature of the word “good.” Does good mean beautiful? Or does it mean realistic or intellectually challenging? Instead of asking if the art is good, a better question...

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Gentrify This: An art show

by (scott warren)

Submitted 09-24-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

On Saturday, The Bloom Collective (8 Jefferson SE) will be hosting the official opening of their current show "Gentrify This: The myth of progress, history, growth & the supposed inevitability of it all."  The show runs...

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Art, ArtPrize, and the Artworld

by (MattP)

Submitted 09-24-2013 under OPINION

ArtPrize is an unusual art event that puts local art institutions in curious position. Because ArtPrize is essentially a large group of separate art shows, many different types of venues are involved, from museums to restaurants. The artwork varies...

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Story Matters: Tom Clinton sees opportunity at SiTE:LAB, ArtPrize

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 09-21-2013 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. While at various ArtPrize venues throughout the event, The Rapidian's Story Matters...

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Impart: Brooklyn artist Mark Reigelman argues art should trigger sensory experience

by (empichot)

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

Impart seeks to preface ArtPrize by asking artists essential questions about art.  Mark Reigelman is an artist based in Brooklyn who specializes in site-specific installations and public art. His work is significantly influenced by the site...

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Impart: Artist Gil Lelazhe Jariq asserts "art heals"

by (empichot)

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

Impart seeks to preface ArtPrize by asking artists essential questions about art.  An artist at Heartside Studio and founder of PRMTVE, Gil Lelazhe Jariq is an abstract painter based in Grand Rapids.  What is art? "Art is...

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How to Look at Art, Part 4

by (MattP)

Submitted 09-19-2013 under OPINION

This is the fourth of a four-step process that can be remembered using the acronym DRIO. DRIO is: Description - What is there? Relationships - How do the parts work together? Interpretation - What is it trying to say? Opinion - 1) Do you like...

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Interview with Manon Slome, ArtPrize 2013 Grand Prize Juror

by (ArtPrize)

Submitted 09-19-2013 under NONPROFITS

This is the third and final post in our series of interviews with the ArtPrize 2013 Grand Prize jurors. Manon Slome is the co-founder and chief curator of No Longer Empty, an organization that reaches new audiences for contemporary art through...

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Impart: Christina Mrozik believes art is a form of communication

by (empichot)

Submitted 09-18-2013 under NEWS

Impart seeks to preface ArtPrize by asking artists essential questions about art.  Christina Mrozik is a local artist who draws most of her inspiration from the natural world. She is interested in projecting human emotions and experiences...

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