
Everyone in the Pool

by (Megan Dupuy)

Submitted 05-11-2015 under

Join LaFontsee Galleries in Douglas, June 6th for “Everyone in the Pool” - the Grand Opening of their 2015 Summer Exhibition Series! Come out and view artworks in this group exhibition including Amanda Coleman, Christy DeHoog, Justin...

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Artists Creating Together prepares for 29th annual Festival Day

by (Artists Creatin...)

Submitted 05-01-2015 under NONPROFITS

Each year, Artists Creating Together’s art programming culminates an annual arts celebration: Festival Day. On Friday, May 8, ACT will host their 29th annual Festival Day. This is our community’s largest annual event that brings together...

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Photographer focuses on empowered disability presence

by (katelewisceramics)

Submitted 04-22-2015 under NEWS

Tom Olin returns to Grand Rapids after over 30 years of documenting the disability rights movement. "ACCESS IS A CIVIL RIGHT: The Photography of Tom Olin" is an exhibition at Calvin’s (106) Gallery and Studio on South Division Avenue...

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Local landscape painter Overvoorde to host art sale for hunger relief

by (Feeding America...)

Submitted 04-22-2015 under NONPROFITS

Chris Stoffel Overvoorde spends a lot of time thinking about the elemental things, about the sky, the land and the wind. “To stand or sit in a landscape is an experience we cannot always express in words,” Overvoorde writes in one of his...

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DisArt Stories Matter: Tom Wagner shares favorite collaborations in "Icebreaker" exhibit at KCAD

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-21-2015 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. STORY MATTERS. is a story collecting project from The Rapidian and GRTV. This story was...

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ArtPrize Seven Premiere Event to unveil new poster, announce jurors

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 04-21-2015 under NEWS

ArtPrize will be hosting its Premiere Event for year seven on Thursday, April 23. In celebrating the beginning of ArtPrize Seven they'll be premiering the 2015 ArtPrize poster, launching artist registration and announcing this year's jurors...

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DisArt exhibit features local artists

by (Yeldellc)

Submitted 04-20-2015 under NEWS

The exhibit “DisArt Local: Art is EveryBody” takes place April 10 through April 25 at 250 Monroe Street Gallery. The exhibit features local artists Robert Coombs, Deb Dieppa, Marylu Dykstra, Reyna Garcia and Anna Greidanus. On April 23...

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University Wits presents horror drama "The Sixth Guest" at Dog Story Theater

by (victoriawhat)

Submitted 04-16-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

Playwright and director Kyle Walker, whose play The Sixth Guest opens this Friday at Dog Story Theater, wants to scare you. “I think I want the audiences to be frightened,” says Walker, who describes his show as “a psychological...

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Catalyst Radio: DisArt Festival takes over downtown, with nation's largest disability arts event

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 04-10-2015 under NONPROFITS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW  In this episode of Catalyst Radio we highlight the inaugural DisArt Festival that begins today, April 10, in downtown Grand Rapids.  As the...

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Grand Rapids Civic Theatre crowdfunding campaign involves community in new way for Avenue Q

by (GRCT)

Submitted 04-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre and School of Theatre Arts launched a crowdfunding campaign last week to invite the people of West Michigan to come together as an artistic sponsor for the upcoming musical, Avenue Q. While it is not uncommon for...

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