The seventh theme of Catholic Social Teaching symbolizes an advance in official teaching on the environment. This theme offers us a "human ecology" where material nature is inhabited and seen as a gift of the Creator. Dr. Marko will discuss the rich writings of Pope Benedict XVI and his “green” theological vision on the environment. If Pope Francis’ awaited encyclical on the environment is available, we will also explore the effects of abuse of material creation on the poor. ($10.00 Donation Requested) Register at Catholic Information Center Grand Rapids
register@catholicinformationcenter.org or 616-459-7267
Dr. Robert Marko is professor and chair of theology at Aquinas. A U.S. Fulbright Scholar who teaches Catholic social ethics, Professor Marko is a cradle Catholic who grew up in the immigrant steel town of Braddock Pennsylvania, home of Andrew Carnegie's first plant. Robert has grown to see environmental concerns in light of human ecology, the glory of creation and the question of justice.
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