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Community responds to 'Why These Finalists? Part 2: Kyd Kane

Submitted 10-05-2017 under NONPROFITS

ArtPrize artist and spoken word poet Kane reacts to the critics comments on her entry and about bringing poetry into a typically visual art arena.


Community responds to 'Why These Finalists? Part 2: Morgan LaBarrie

Submitted 10-05-2017 under NONPROFITS

Local Grand Valley student and ArtPrize intern talks about learning from the different perspectives of the art critics.


Community responds to 'Why These Finalists? Part 1'

Submitted 10-03-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

The Rapidian and GRTV interviewed a variety of audience members after the event to get their reaction to the critics thoughts on the public's and jurors' 2D and Installation choices in the Top 20.


Art happens here 365 days a year

Submitted 10-03-2017 under NONPROFITS

ArtPrize may only be here for a short time, but local businesses and galleries on the Avenue offer arts programming and community engagement opportunities all year round.


ArtPrize 2017 top 20 finalist "Lux Maximus" interview with the artist

Submitted 10-03-2017 under NEWS

"They said it couldn't be done, so I did it," states "Lux Maximus" creator Daniel Oropeza of his signature process of fusing glass with metal to create sculptures that are partially translucent.


Sunny weather, large crowds make HopCat, WYCE Blue Bridge Music Festival a success

Submitted 10-02-2017 under NEWS

Unlike last year, when rain, wind, and cold weather dampened attendance, this year sunny skies and warm temperatures brought thousands of music and art lovers to the Blue Bridge Music Festival over two days to listen to the eight bands competing for the “Song of the Year” and a $1,000 cash prize.


Community responds to Jurors' Shortlist: Steve Fridsma at ArtPrize 9

Submitted 09-26-2017 under NEWS

ArtPrize Team Leader for Monroe Community Church, Steve Fridsma, discusses how excited they are to be a pick for Outstanding Venue and the art's focus on love, community and relationships.


Harmony: Community-building and the music industry panel discussions

Submitted 09-26-2017 under OPINION

Harmony: Community-Building and the Music Industry was a series of panel discussions presented by Creative Many and 88.1FM WYCE about music as a necessary enhancement to the quality of life in Michigan's communities.


Community responds to Jurors' Shortlist: Amy Norkus at ArtPrize 9

Submitted 09-26-2017 under NEWS

ArtPrize volunteer and community member, Amy Norkus discusses how interesting it was to see jurors' picks reflect the current political climate including topics such as the envorionment and racism.


Antibalas coming to Founders Brewing on September 30

Submitted 09-26-2017 under NEWS

For decades, Antibalas (which translates to bullet proof in Spanish) has paid homage to and transformed Afro-caribbean and Afro-beat music. Erica Soto interviews Antibalas founder, Martín Perna, about their latest album, resisting oppression, and telling stories and truth through music.

