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April Update on the Gender Book Club at the Network



This Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 the Gender Book Club is meeting at the network. At this meeting we will be discussing April’s selection a new release, Redefining Realness by Janet Mock. The Amazon book review shares that in 2011, Marie Claire magazine published a profile of Janet Mock in which she stepped forward for the first time as a trans woman. Those twenty-three hundred words were life-altering for the editor, turning her into an influential and outspoken public figure and a desperately needed voice for an often voiceless community. In these pages, she offers a bold and inspiring perspective on being young, multicultural, economically challenged, and transgender in America.

The Gender Book Club has been meeting since last September and we have had many wonderful discussions on gender fiction and nonfiction books. The club meets the third Thursday of every month 7:00 PM -9:00 PM at the Network, 343 Atlas Ave S.E, Grand Rapids, MI. If you are new to the club, don’t be intimated because you didn’t read the book, everyone is welcome to join in on the conversations. This is a great group who is excited to read and talk about interesting gender books. Please send any questions, suggestions for books, or just a note that you would like to participate to: [email protected].  

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