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Antiques With A Heart



A Love for Antiques Brings Support for Charity: Members of the Rotary East club in SE Grand Rapids are excited about this year’s new approach to how they give.  With 100% of pre-sale proceeds going to CASA of Kent County and D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s, the patrons know they are giving directly to a cause.  Plus, every pre-sale ticket comes with a $10 credit voucher to Curtis Cleaners.


Show manager, Cecily Near, is an adoptive parent through D.A. Blodgett and feels it gives her more drive to create a successful event. “I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to be working on this project knowing DA Blodgett – St. John’s will be one of the recipients” states Cecily.

“Shortly after my husband and I were married”, explains Cecily, “our neighbor girl asked us when we were going to “get kids”. For many years we laughed about her sweet inquiry because it seemed she thought people didn’t “have kids”, instead they simply went to a store and picked one up. Little did we know, “having kids” would not be our family’s first option, but we would instead “get kids” by lovingly picki

Get into the spirit of the vintage scene: On Friday, free admission is offered to anyone who comes to the show dressed in full vintage attire. Flapper girls, poodle skirts, and zoot suits welcome. The normal general admission fee is $10 per person, while kids 17 years of age and younger are free. Parking is also provided for free. The Rotary Antique Show is projected to have nearly fifty vendors this year, bringing thousands of vintage a

Antique appraisals will be offered by Michigan State Auctioneers Association for $5 per item on Friday evening 5pm-9pm. Bring your treasured items to discover their va

125 Years of History: Currently celebrating 125 year of service, D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s works in partnership with our community for the good of all children through family support, adoption, foster care, Big Brothers Big Sisters, as well as, residential treatment and emergency shelter c

CASA of Kent County provides trained community volunteers to serve abused and neglected kids in child court proceedi

Event Details
The Rotary Antique Show is a charitable shopping extravaganza filled with fashion, furniture, and memorabilia. A community event brought to you by Rotary East Charities, donating to West Michigan non-profits since 1973. info@RotaryAntiqueShow


Rotary Club of Grand Rapids East: Serving the East side of Greater Grand Rapids, including Foresthills and Cascade, the Rotary Club of Grand Rapids East has been meeting since 1971. Currently, club members meet weekly at the Watermark Country Club for lunch, learning, and fellowship. To learn more about becoming a Rotarian, contact club president Kay Bernard [email protected]

Event Details
The Rotary Antique Show is a charitable shopping extravaganza filled with fashion, furniture, and memorabilia. A community event brought to you by Rotary East Charities, donating to West Michigan non-profits since 1973. [email protected]


Rotary Vintage, Antiques, & Collectibles Sale
November 2-4, 2012 at the DeltaPlex

Tickets on sale now at

100% of Pre-sale tickets benefit D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s
& CASA of Kent County. Tickets purchased online receive a
$10 gift from Curtis Cleaners

Event Highlights

  • Bring your poodle skirt, flapper dress, or zoot suit - full vintage attire gets you free Friday night admission
  • Appraisals $5 per item - Friday night
  • Meet Michelle McKormick of WLAV-FM Saturday 10am-noon
  • Sunday free admission with a juice box donation to Kids’ Food Basket

Rotary Club of Grand Rapids East: Serving the East side of Greater Grand Rapids, including Foresthills and Cascade, the Rotary Club of Grand Rapids East has been meeting since 1971. Currently, club members meet weekly at the Watermark Country Club for lunch, learning, and fellowship. To learn more about becoming a Rotarian, contact club president Kay Bernard [email protected]

Interview Contacts

Cecily Near                          Show Manager, Grand Events Antique Shows  (616) 516-2224

Kay Bernard                         President, Rotary East       (616) 813-3295

Sharon Loughridge           Executive Director, DA Blodgett – St. Johns    (616) 451-2021

Patti Sabin                            Executive Director, CASA Kent County           (616) 632-5112        




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