6:00PM - 7:15PM
Aquinas College Performing Arts Center
1607 Robinson Rd. SE
Grand Rapids MI 49506
Arab political cartoonists are no different than their U.S. brethren in that they help drive public debate on critical issues. But, they do so under greater personal risk. Ms. El-beshir focuses on the political “khartoons” of Khalid Albaih, a Sudanese Muslim living in Qatar. His politically charged work rose to prominence in the early stages of the Arab Spring protests. Albaih quickly became an artist of the revolution as his work was shared online and in the streets across Arabia and worldwide. His continuing relevance is apparent as he thoughtfully tackles issues such as the Charlie Hebdo attacks; the Saudi-Iranian crisis; and the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis.
Public invited. No reservations needed. Pay at door. $10 members/$15 non-members. Non-members can sign up for a free e-mail membership and get member pricing. Free parking. Presented by the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan. worldmichigan.org
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