Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth Club members, Brenda, Marshawnna, and Keshawnna earned themselves a trip to the Apple Store at Woodland Mall on May 27th. Brenda was winner of the Steil Club Power Hour program with 583 points. Marshawnna and Keshawnna tied as the winners of the Seidman Club with 618 points each.
Power Hour is an after school program where club members earn points for homework, attendance, behavior and completing worksheets throughout the school year. The program helps to keep youth motivated and ahead in school and homework.
As a reward for earning the most points, each Club member was able to pick out an iPod Nano and enjoy an hour playing with the new iPad.
“Everything went great, the Apple staff gave the kids stickers and t-shirts along with their iPods,” Jamie Prawdzik, co-leader of Power Hour said. “They showed the kids the new iPad and let them play with everything.”
Power Hour is a way to show youth that their hard work does not go unnoticed. Prawdzik and the other staff are very proud of these Club Members and will have the Power Hour contest next year.
Last year, the iPod prizes were donated, but this year a donor was unable to be secured. If you would like to help sponsor Power Hour rewards, Boys & Girls Clubs is always looking for supporters. Please contact Erin Crison at
[email protected] or 616.233.9370x101 for more information.
Article written by Phil Bunce and Sara Schneider
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