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Encore Workshop to Connect Experienced Adults with New Skills-based Opportunities

Submitted 05-24-2011 under NONPROFITS

Workshop to Connect Boomers with Skills-based Volunteer Opportunities


Spreading the News

Submitted 05-24-2011 under OPINION

Along with community reporters, the Rapidian counts on community to distribute community news and information.


Catalyst Radio: Summer media camps for teens to produce music videos and modern take on Aesop's Fables

Submitted 05-20-2011 under NONPROFITS

[VIDEO + AUDIO] The CMC's own Gretchen Vinnedge and Lynn McKeown of the education department share all the cool summer camps they have planned for teens.


Make Magazine editor convenes brief town hall meeting among makers

Submitted 04-26-2011 under NEWS

Placed symbolically on each table in the GRid70 cafewas a board game around which 25 people gathered to hear Dale Dougherty share the history of Make Magazine and the eminent Maker Faire.


David LaGrand: Harnessing the sun

Submitted 04-13-2011 under NONPROFITS

After doing current research, I realized that solar power had had recent massive shifts in costs and efficiency that suddenly made solar power more attractive.


Share the credit: Collaborators and Translators get some Rapidian love too

Submitted 04-06-2011 under OPINION

A quick update on some new technical changes here on The Rapidian, notably the ability to credit article collaborators and translators.


Has the divide gone mobile?

Submitted 03-29-2011 under OPINION

The digital divide discussion may be changing from "whether" folks have access, to "how" they have access. What does this mean for the nonprofit services sector?


Sum It Up: The Meaning of Things

Submitted 03-15-2011 under OPINION

The Rapidian's new summary field helps both readers and reporters alike get to the heart of an article.


Downtown GR Smart Phone Tour Launched

Submitted 02-23-2011 under NONPROFITS

