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Grand Rapid's South West Neighborhood

Volunteers become champions at Cook Library Center

Submitted 03-07-2017 under NONPROFITS

At Grandville Avenue Arts and Humanities the volunteers are critical and cherished supporters in pursuing our mission.


Gaining confidence through the Literacy Center of West Michigan

Submitted 03-03-2017 under NONPROFITS

Quatina Michael describes her literacy journey.


Creating happiness: ACT apprentice Alison Ching

Submitted 02-16-2017 under NONPROFITS

Take a closer look at art apprentice Alison Ching – her inspiration, her creation, and her goals.


Mayor Rosalynn Bliss talks about first year as mayor, implementing sustainable practices

Submitted 02-15-2017 under NONPROFITS

Environmental sustainability remains a top priority in Bliss' role as Mayor. It is one of the four legs of her strategic plan: social impact, economic impact, environmental impact and the most recent addition, governance—the concept of government reacting directly to the needs of the community.


Immigration policy fears cause clinic patients to stay away, cancel insurance

Submitted 02-07-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

Patients fearing deportation or naturalization cancellation are canceling insurance and other forms of assistance. We in the medical community have to consider new ways we can support our patients, and how we can shape immigration policy that will allow them to live their dreams and stay healthy.


Hip-hop camp brings happiness to kids at Cook Arts Center

Submitted 02-02-2017 under NONPROFITS

Two-week pilot camp was a clear success and stirred excitment for hip-hop culture among students at the Cook Arts Center.


Artist Beatriz Santiago Muñoz to give talk at Civic Studio

Submitted 01-27-2017 under NONPROFITS

On February 1, 2017 at 6:30 p.m., Civic Studio will present Beatriz Santiago Muñoz for a free public talk.


Cook Library Scholars supports community, becomes second family

Submitted 12-20-2016 under PLACE-MATTERS

Beyond educational support, the Cook Library Scholars program offers emotional solace to students and their families, and provides space for families to lead, even during difficult times.


Housing + school + healthcare, all in one place

Submitted 12-19-2016 under NEWS

An unprecedented collaboration of school, housing and health care providers are creating Plaza Roosevelt, a comprehensive community development along Grandville Avenue SW that will feature the city's first dual-immersion Spanish/English high school


Life in a Refugee Camp: From Bhutan to the United States by Posta Dangal

Submitted 12-08-2016 under NONPROFITS

Posta Dangal, born in Bhutan in 1975, was moved to a refugee camp in Nepal in 1990. While in the camp Posta became an advocate for other refugees. In 2011, Posta and her family were resettled in the United States and eight months later moved to Grand Rapids.

