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Ethics and Religion Talk: What does "Image of God" mean? Part 1

Submitted 06-25-2018 under OPINION

Richard J. asks, What does it mean when theologians say, we are made in the image of God? Does it mean we look like God?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Should religious leaders provide therapy?

Submitted 06-18-2018 under OPINION

Our question this week is: Should individuals and families seek therapy from their religious leaders; and conversely, should religious leaders provide therapy?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Should genetic testing be mandatory before conceiving children?

Submitted 06-11-2018 under OPINION

If a couple is considering having children, should they be ethically obligated to undergo genetic testing, even for conditions that cannot be currently treated?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Why is God gendered?

Submitted 06-04-2018 under OPINION

Richard J. asks, Why do some religious traditions assign gender to a transcendent divinity?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is it selfish to enjoy our own resources when others are in need?

Submitted 05-29-2018 under OPINION

Lorri R. asks, How much should we give of our time and money to help the less fortunate or in the pursuit of social justice? At what point is it selfish to use our resources for personal enjoyment when there are others in need?


Ethics and Religion Talk: What are your requirements for ordination?

Submitted 05-21-2018 under OPINION

Jim V. asks, What are your education and training requirements for ordination?


Ethics and Religion Talk: How do we fairly allocate our charitable giving between local needs and others?

Submitted 05-14-2018 under OPINION

Linda B. asks, Do we forget those around us struggling in favor of “others” in foreign lands? With limited resources, how do we decide to allocate them — do we allocate those resources to those within our community or to those outside (including those outside our country)?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Guns, violence and pacifism, Part 2

Submitted 05-07-2018 under OPINION

Last week, R. Scot Miller shared a long-form essay on the topic of guns, violence and pacifism. This week, we share three responses.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Guns, violence and pacifism, Part 1

Submitted 04-30-2018 under OPINION

This week, we invite R. Scot Miller, an ordained minister of outreach and education at Common Spirit Church of the Brethren in Grand Rapids, to share a long-form essay on the topic of guns, violence, and pacifism.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Holding leaders accountable without judgement

Submitted 04-23-2018 under OPINION

Karla H. wondered, How do we hold people accountable for the things they say and do without judging them? Specifically, how do we hold leaders accountable without judgment?

