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An approach to Israel-Palestine understanding

Submitted 07-17-2020 under NONPROFITS

Memories of Seymour Padnos leads to an Israeli writer, Yossi Halevi whose book, “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor” seeks to bring people together by listening and seeking to understand their differing and even conflicting stories.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is God Calling Out To You?

Submitted 07-13-2020 under OPINION

This week, I asked our panel to respond to an essay by the Rev. Sandra Nikkel, head pastor of Conklin Reformed Church entitled, “LISTEN! GOD IS CALLING!”


Ethics and Religion Talk: How Does Religion Spread?

Submitted 07-06-2020 under OPINION

Genevieve asks, “How is religion spread? I mean clearly not everyone goes door to door knocking, or acts as sort of a missionary, so is it acceptable to try and convert others? And if not, how does your religion spread?”


The beginning of difference - God's idea

Submitted 07-03-2020 under NONPROFITS

New understandings of the Tower of Babel story from Genesis helps us see that while it is natural to find identity in people like us, God’s plan is for diversity.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Are those who took own life resurrected?

Submitted 06-29-2020 under OPINION

Elba asks, “Are there any sins so terrible that one loses the privilege of resurrection? Is suicide one of them?”


A personal confession: I am a racist

Submitted 06-26-2020 under NONPROFITS

Even when we think we are not racist, we must become aware and take responsibility for complicity with a culture and its institutions that are racist. It calls for confession and willingness to learn and act.


Ethics and Religion Talk: What is the place of Religious Institutions in Society?

Submitted 06-22-2020 under OPINION

What do you feel is the place of church in society?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Which Religion is the most correct?

Submitted 06-15-2020 under OPINION

Is your religion more correct than the rest? Why or why not?


Amid racism and protests, can we find hope?

Submitted 06-12-2020 under NONPROFITS

Facing the challenges of racism and political protest, how will the religious traditions respond? Faith communities from conservative to progressive are responding and finding resources to respond with hope.


Ethics and Religion Talk: How Does Atonement Work?

Submitted 06-08-2020 under OPINION

What needs to be done in order for a bad deed to be fully atoned for?

