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Sister Thomasine Bugala OP

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Sister Thomasine Bugala OP died Tuesday May 11, 2010 at the age of 83 after 58 years as a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sister Thomasine taught the German language at Aquinas College for many years. Each summer for over 20 years she traveled to Japan to teach English as a second language. After she retired from college teaching, she traveled to both Papua New Guinea and to Novosibirsk, Russia where she again taught both the language of English and methods of teaching language to teachers.

Sister Thomasine traveled the world with a light hold on possessions and a firm hold on faith and deep prayer. She was generous, resilient and friendly to all she met. She will be missed by her many friends, her sister, nephews and many sisters in the Dominican community.

You can read Sister Thomasine's complete obituary by following this link.

by: Sister Mary Navarre, OP - Dominican Life


Underwriting support from:
Sister Thomasine Bugala: 1926-2010

Sister Thomasine Bugala: 1926-2010

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