WMCAT students receive Scholastic Art Awards

Submitted 01-12-2011 under NONPROFITS

   The West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (WMCAT) entered student artwork into the Scholastic Art Awards and saw 28 of its students receive awards.  This is a significant accomplishment for students served by WMCAT’s...

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The Fainting Generals; Employee of the Month for Life

Submitted 01-08-2011 under OPINION

 Employee of the Month for Life is the new cd release from The Fainting Generals. Featuring 8 tracks recorded by Matt Ten Clay in Grand Rapids, the disc is the followup to the Fainting Generals debut Everybody...

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Petoskey author offers historical glimpse of Northern Michigan's Bay View community

Submitted 01-06-2011 under NONPROFITS

Journey back to Northern Michigan's Victorian times Thursday evening, Jan. 13, when long-time Petoskey resident and author Mary Jane Doerr presents a glimpse of historic Bay View, a neighboring community near Petoskey. This popular coastal...

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Artist with local roots returns to GR for opening reception

Submitted 01-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Edward Gorey's morbid alphabet ("A is for Amy who fell down the stairs"), Charley Harper's works of wildlife curved into letters... Stylized alphabets recede into the distance, but illustrator Christopher Apap feels he is bringing something new to...

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Blue Molly: Happy to be blue

Submitted 01-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids has an enormous amount of talented musicians, not the least of which being Daniel and Brett Beelen, two members of the band, Blue Molly. Blue Molly is composed of a diverse group including a business owner, two auto industry workers,...

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January Series returns for 24th year

Submitted 01-04-2011 under NEWS

With speakers ranging from Temple Grandin, the most well-known adult with autism, to former baseball star Cal Ripken, Jr., The January Series works to present a wide variety of speakers and topics for their free lecture series. Lectures run...

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WYCE talks to Drew Howard, Michigan's steel guitar wiz

Submitted 01-04-2011 under NONPROFITS

They call him "Captain Midnite." I decided to leave that one to the imagination, though through 33 years of music, a 62 album discography ('I think maybe I'm missing a couple') and 'thousands of bands', Michigan's...

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Runner Runner at New Years Eve 2010

Submitted 01-03-2011 under NEWS

Artists Runner Runner fresh off the stage at the HotFM New Years Eve celebration speaks about the year past and the year ahead... and admires my microphone.

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Mayor George Heartwell drops the ball, New Years Eve Style

Submitted 01-03-2011 under NEWS

We asked Grand Rapids mayor, George Heartwell, about the HotFm New Years Eve Celebration and what his thoughts were on the year past and the year ahead. Here is what he had to say.

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The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio-- Johnny King

Submitted 01-03-2011 under NONPROFITS

Heartside Gallery and Studio began in 1993 as a small program of Heartside Ministry.  This ever-expanding program continues to offer the Heartside community and its neighbors a supportive and safe environment in which to create, exhibit and...

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