The Rapidian Home

Grand Rapid's South East Neighborhood

Citizens speak out on public trust in law enforcement, ask for trust in return

Submitted 03-17-2017 under NEWS

Citizens gathered at LINC gallery to tell the State of Michigan what it would take to strengthen public trust and confidence in the police. One response: "Trust me."


Local painter to host art sale in support of hunger relief

Submitted 03-15-2017 under NONPROFITS

Chris Stoffel Overvoorde will donate proceeds from his three-day art sale to Feeding America West Michigan.


Former Ambassador to discuss role of U.S. in Afghanistan at Aquinas College

Submitted 03-06-2017 under NONPROFITS

Former US Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann talks about the way forward after sixteen years of US engagement in Afghanistan.


Gaining confidence through the Literacy Center of West Michigan

Submitted 03-03-2017 under NONPROFITS

Quatina Michael describes her literacy journey.


Community advocate faces Grand Rapids' housing crisis, gentrification

Submitted 02-21-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

After having to leave her lifelong neighborhood, LaDonna Norman is fighting for families losing their homes to gentrification.


Mayor Rosalynn Bliss talks about first year as mayor, implementing sustainable practices

Submitted 02-15-2017 under NONPROFITS

Environmental sustainability remains a top priority in Bliss' role as Mayor. It is one of the four legs of her strategic plan: social impact, economic impact, environmental impact and the most recent addition, governance—the concept of government reacting directly to the needs of the community.


Carrying local music's 'do-it yourself' torch: A look at the Upper Room

Submitted 02-10-2017 under LOCAL LIFE

The Upper Room aims to keep Grand Rapids' Do-it-Yourself music scene alive.


Our call to stand with refugees

Submitted 02-01-2017 under NONPROFITS

World Renew, a Grand-Rapids based international disaster response and community development nonprofit organization which is involved with refugee resettlement as well as in-country assistance, calls for the church to stand with refugees.


Rain gardens continue to flourish, transform Plaster Creek area

Submitted 01-24-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

Plaster Creek Stewards tracks the journey of a raindrop in Alger Heights, Garfield Park


New Year's Eve concert at Wealthy Theatre to celebrate local favorites, host food drive

Submitted 12-28-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Celebrate New Year's Eve with The Go Rounds, The Crane Wives, Seth Bernard and Vox Vidorra on Saturday, December 31, 2016. There will be a canned food drive for those in need. Refreshments provided by Creston Brewery.

